[Accessibility] QML accessibility

Andre Polykanine andre at oire.org
Tue Jul 22 00:04:54 CEST 2014

Hello everyone,
Is QML (and namely QML scene) supposed to be accessible under Windows?
I'm new to QT, so I'm just trying.
Here's my slightly modified basic example:

import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
width: 200
height: 100
color: "yellow"

Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: "Hello world!"

focus: true
Keys.onPressed: {
if (event.Key == Qt.Key_Return) {
color = "blue";
text = "Hello Ukraine!";
event.accepted = true;
And,  when  running QmlScene, I can't get neither to this text, nor to
the color with my screen reader navigation and reading commands.
I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate with JAWS 15 latest release.
To precise, I'm blind myself but would like to develop with QT.

With best regards from Ukraine,
Skype: Francophile
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