[Accessibility] How to activate at-spi in ubuntu gnome for qt quick application

Fabian Sturm f at rtfs.org
Wed Nov 25 08:04:40 CET 2015

Hello everybody,

I try to get at-spi working with a sample qt-quick application. For
tests I use e.g. the AT-SPI browser "sniff" from dogtail. It shows all
windows with accessiblity available except the qt-quick sample.

I run the sample with qmlscene on Ubuntu 15.10 in a Gnome session.

The qml code is this:

import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2

ApplicationWindow {

    id: mainWindow
    title: "Test program"
    width: 800; height: 600
    color: "gray"
    Accessible.name: "Test program"

    Button {
        text: "Test button"
        Accessible.name: text
        Accessible.description: "This button does " + text
        Accessible.role: Accessible.Button
        onClicked: console.log("clicked")

Is there anything else needed to get it working?

Thanks a lot!

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