[Accessibility] Where to ask for help with QTableView connect method used in procedural code

Peter Fodrek,ml.-súkromne peter.fodrek at gmail.com
Mon May 2 17:10:31 CEST 2022

Dear Qt expert,

I would like to subscribe to Qt Comunity support mailing list  to get 
support with rewriting code form object based code into procedural.

I need to start function

  void  onTableClicked(const QModelIndex &index)
         if (index.isValid()) {
             QString cellText = index.data().toString();

     connect(ui.tabulka, SIGNAL(clicked(const QModelIndex &)), NULL, 
SLOT(onTableClicked(const QModelIndex &)));

doet not work


void  onTableClicked(const QModelIndex &index)
         if (index.isValid()) {
             QString cellText = index.data().toString();

ui.tabulka->connect(ui.tabulka, SIGNAL(clicked(const QModelIndex &)), 
ui.tabulka, SLOT(onTableClicked(const QModelIndex &)));

does not work but the connect line in main  is compilable

  I woulk like to find out, what else is "bundeled in class/obect"

Is there anybody to get me information, where to get support, please.

I llomforward hearing from you

Yours faithfully

Peter Fodrek,j.r.

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