[Android-development] Using external IDE to compile and manage Java part

Vijay Shankar lsvijay at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 12 01:05:32 CET 2015

Hi,I am creating mobile apps for Android and iOS and am able to get the app working on both platforms fine. But, I would like to do some platform specific work like Google plus integration on the Android port in Java and I am having trouble compiling the Android project specific gradle files generated by Qt Creator when loading the project using using Android studio or Eclipse and compiling them on those IDE’s.
As per this presentation(link below) by BogDan it looks like compilation is not expected to work, is there a plan to fix this issue or any work around to get it to compile Android projects on external IDE’s so it is easy to extend the Java files to get auto completion/suggestions also easier debugging instead of attaching to process etc?
Presentation link on page 29 specifically mentions about compilation errors but general description of using external IDE starts on page 23:https://www.qtdeveloperdays.com/sites/default/files/BogdanVatra_Extending_Qt_Android_Apps_with_JNI.pdf

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