[Android-development] E Qt JAVA : Surface 1 not found!

ekke ekke at ekkes-corner.org
Thu Apr 26 09:32:12 CEST 2018

as you probably know I wrote some Qt Blogs and developed ‘ekkes Share
Example App’ to demo How to share to and from other Apps.
I run into a problem on Android sharing data from other Apps
Have defined App as ‘singleInstance’ in Android Manifest, because I only
want to use one Instance of my Qt mobile App.

Reason: some customer apps have a complex Login / Init workflow, so I
always want to re-use the App if already running. Also using
‘singleInstance’ if my already running App was opened by another App my
App shows exactly the same Page I just worked with and in some scenarios
the incoming data should be inserted there.

Opening my App from other Apps in most cases works perfect:
- if my App was not started, the app will be started by external Intent.
This Intent was delivered via public void onCreate(...) of my Qt
Activity. I wait until Qt UI was initialized and then process the
pending Intent.
- if my App already was started, the external App comes in via public
void onNewIntent(Intent intent) and I can process the Intent to get the data

Not all Android Apps are goot citizens. There are some Apps out there
not using the public void onNewIntent(Intent intent) if my App already
was running. They come in via public void onCreate(...) and now Qt comes
in trouble because the Activity already was created and started. I’m
getting a white screen, App freezes and this Error was logged:

E Qt JAVA : Surface 1 not found!

only way to go on was to kill the App.

So I tried to come out of this trap. Inside public void onCreate(...) I
verified that the Activity knows that the App was running. Also I tried
getIntent() and was able to process the Intent, to receive and save the
data. But cannot go on because UI is freezed with white screen.
Now I tried to call finish() and return. This avoids the white screen,
but exits the App.

Better then freezing ;-)

I also tried onBackPressed() - but didn’t work.

Does someone has an idea how to get back the control if public void
onCreate(...) of Qt Activity was called a 2nd time ?

Want to get rid of white screen and surface null error.

One workaround could be to store the incoming data from Intent into a
special folder inside app data and check this after restarting the app
again and ask user if the data from last Intent should be used.



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