[Ci-reports] fail on ssh://codereview.qt-project.org:29418/qt/qtbase#stable

Qt Continuous Integration System ci-noreply at qt-project.org
Tue Nov 19 09:56:33 CET 2013

Autotests `tst_gestures' and `tst_qaccessibility' failed :(

  Testing tst_QAccessibility
  FAIL!  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (varRole.lVal)                : 10
  tst_qaccessibility.cpp(3435) : failure location
  Totals: 41 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: test failed, running again to see if it is flaky...
  ********* Start testing of tst_QAccessibility *********
  Config: Using QtTest library 5.2.0, Qt 5.2.0
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::initTestCase()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::eventTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::customWidget()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::deletedWidget()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::subclassedWidget()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::statesStructTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::navigateHierarchy()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::sliderTest()
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::textAttributes() 1 accessibility event(s) were not handled in testfunction 'textAttributes':
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::textAttributes()  1: Object: 0x1cf3fc Event: 'TextCaretMoved' Child: -1
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::textAttributes()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::hideShowTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::actionTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::applicationTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::mainWindowTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::buttonTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::scrollBarTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::tabTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::tabWidgetTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::menuTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::spinBoxTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::doubleSpinBoxTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::textEditTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::textBrowserTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::mdiAreaTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::mdiSubWindowTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::lineEditTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::groupBoxTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::dialogButtonBoxTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::dialTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::rubberBandTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::abstractScrollAreaTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::scrollAreaTest()
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::listTest() QAccessibleTable::cellAt: invalid index:  QModelIndex(-1,-1,0x0,QObject(0x0) )  for  QListWidget(0x3128e58)
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::listTest() QAccessibleTable::cellAt: invalid index:  QModelIndex(-1,-1,0x0,QObject(0x0) )  for  QListWidget(0x3128e58)
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::listTest() QAccessibleTable::cellAt: invalid index:  QModelIndex(-1,-1,0x0,QObject(0x0) )  for  QListWidget(0x3128e58)
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::listTest() QAccessibleTable::cellAt: invalid index:  QModelIndex(-1,-1,0x0,QObject(0x0) )  for  QListWidget(0x3128e58)
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::listTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::treeTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::tableTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::calendarWidgetTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::dockWidgetTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::comboBoxTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::accessibleName()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::labelTest()
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::accelerators()
  FAIL!  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (varRole.lVal)                : 10
  tst_qaccessibility.cpp(3435) : failure location
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest() 31 accessibility event(s) were not handled in testfunction 'bridgeTest':
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  1: Object: 0x30e58f8 Event: 'NameChanged' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  2: Object: 0x30e5558 Event: 'TextCaretMoved' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  3: Object: 0x30e57f8 Event: 'TableModelChanged' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  4: Object: 0x30e54d8 Event: 'TableModelChanged' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  5: Object: 0x30e5e18 Event: 'TableModelChanged' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  6: Object: 0x30e5e18 Event: 'TableModelChanged' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  7: Object: 0x30e5e18 Event: 'TableModelChanged' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  8: Object: 0x30e5e18 Event: 'TableModelChanged' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  9: Object: 0x30e5e18 Event: 'TableModelChanged' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  10: Object: 0x30e5e18 Event: 'TableModelChanged' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  11: Object: 0x30e5e18 Event: 'TableModelChanged' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  12: Object: 0x30e5e18 Event: 'TableModelChanged' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  13: Object: 0x30e5e18 Event: 'TableModelChanged' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  14: Object: 0x30e5e18 Event: 'TableModelChanged' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  15: Object: 0x31806d8 Event: 'NameChanged' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  16: Object: 0x30e58f8 Event: 'ObjectShow' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  17: Object: 0x30e5ab8 Event: 'ObjectShow' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  18: Object: 0x30e5558 Event: 'ObjectShow' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  19: Object: 0x30e5a18 Event: 'ObjectShow' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  20: Object: 0x30e53b8 Event: 'ObjectHide' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  21: Object: 0x30e56b8 Event: 'ObjectHide' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  22: Object: 0x30e5638 Event: 'ObjectShow' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  23: Object: 0x30e57f8 Event: 'ObjectShow' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  24: Object: 0x30e5838 Event: 'ObjectShow' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  25: Object: 0x30e54d8 Event: 'ObjectShow' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  26: Object: 0x30e5e38 Event: 'ObjectShow' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  27: Object: 0x30e5e18 Event: 'ObjectShow' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  28: Object: 0x31806d8 Event: 'ObjectShow' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  29: Object: 0x30e5a38 Event: 'ObjectShow' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  30: Object: 0x30e5a38 Event: 'StateChanged' Child: -1
  QWARN  : tst_QAccessibility::bridgeTest()  31: Object: 0x30e58f8 Event: 'Focus' Child: -1
  PASS   : tst_QAccessibility::cleanupTestCase()
  Totals: 41 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped
  ********* Finished testing of tst_QAccessibility *********
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: test failure could be reproduced twice consecutively
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: end tst_qaccessibility: 13 seconds, exit code 1
  Testing tst_Gestures
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::customGesture() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (widget.gestureEventsReceived): 0
     Expected (TotalGestureEventsCount)     : 4
  tst_gestures.cpp(408) : failure location
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::conflictingGesturesInGraphicsView() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (item2->gestureOverrideEventsReceived): 0
     Expected (1)                                   : 1
  tst_gestures.cpp(2285) : failure location
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::graphicsItemGesture() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (item->gestureEventsReceived): 0
     Expected (TotalGestureEventsCount)    : 4
  tst_gestures.cpp(895) : failure location
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::graphicsView() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (item->gestureEventsReceived): 0
     Expected (TotalGestureEventsCount)    : 4
  tst_gestures.cpp(944) : failure location
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::graphicsItemTreeGesture() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (item1->gestureEventsReceived): 0
     Expected (TotalGestureEventsCount)     : 4
  tst_gestures.cpp(1023) : failure location
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::explicitGraphicsObjectTarget() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (item1->gestureOverrideEventsReceived): 0
     Expected (1)                                   : 1
  tst_gestures.cpp(1079) : failure location
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::gestureOverChildGraphicsItem() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (item1->gestureEventsReceived): 0
     Expected (TotalGestureEventsCount)     : 4
  tst_gestures.cpp(1139) : failure location
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::autoCancelGestures2() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (parent->events.all.count()): 0
     Expected (1)                         : 1
  tst_gestures.cpp(1612) : failure location
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::graphicsViewParentPropagation() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (item1_c1_c1->gestureEventsReceived): 0
     Expected (TotalGestureEventsCount)           : 4
  tst_gestures.cpp(1674) : failure location
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::panelPropagation() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (item1_child1_child1->gestureEventsReceived): 0
     Expected (TotalGestureEventsCount)                   : 4
  tst_gestures.cpp(1732) : failure location
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::panelStacksBehindParent() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (panel->gestureEventsReceived): 0
     Expected (TotalGestureEventsCount)     : 4
  tst_gestures.cpp(1843) : failure location
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::viewportCoordinates() 'item1->gestureEventsReceived != 0' returned FALSE. ()
  tst_gestures.cpp(1967) : failure location
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::partialGesturePropagation() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (item1->gestureOverrideEventsReceived): 0
     Expected (1)                                   : 1
  tst_gestures.cpp(2009) : failure location
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::testReuseCanceledGestures() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (target->started()): 0
     Expected (1)                : 1
  tst_gestures.cpp(2213) : failure location
  Totals: 29 passed, 14 failed, 0 skipped
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: test failed, running again to see if it is flaky...
  ********* Start testing of tst_Gestures *********
  Config: Using QtTest library 5.2.0, Qt 5.2.0
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::initTestCase()
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::customGesture() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::customGesture() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::customGesture() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::customGesture() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::customGesture() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (widget.gestureEventsReceived): 0
     Expected (TotalGestureEventsCount)     : 4
  tst_gestures.cpp(408) : failure location
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::autoCancelingGestures()
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::gestureOverChild()
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::multipleWidgetOnlyGestureInTree()
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::conflictingGestures()
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::conflictingGesturesInGraphicsView() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::conflictingGesturesInGraphicsView() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::conflictingGesturesInGraphicsView() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::conflictingGesturesInGraphicsView() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::conflictingGesturesInGraphicsView() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (item2->gestureOverrideEventsReceived): 0
     Expected (1)                                   : 1
  tst_gestures.cpp(2285) : failure location
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::finishedWithoutStarted()
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::unknownGesture()
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::graphicsItemGesture() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::graphicsItemGesture() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::graphicsItemGesture() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::graphicsItemGesture() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::graphicsItemGesture() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (item->gestureEventsReceived): 0
     Expected (TotalGestureEventsCount)    : 4
  tst_gestures.cpp(895) : failure location
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::graphicsView() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::graphicsView() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::graphicsView() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::graphicsView() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::graphicsView() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (item->gestureEventsReceived): 0
     Expected (TotalGestureEventsCount)    : 4
  tst_gestures.cpp(944) : failure location
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::graphicsItemTreeGesture() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::graphicsItemTreeGesture() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::graphicsItemTreeGesture() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::graphicsItemTreeGesture() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::graphicsItemTreeGesture() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (item1->gestureEventsReceived): 0
     Expected (TotalGestureEventsCount)     : 4
  tst_gestures.cpp(1023) : failure location
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::explicitGraphicsObjectTarget() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::explicitGraphicsObjectTarget() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::explicitGraphicsObjectTarget() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::explicitGraphicsObjectTarget() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::explicitGraphicsObjectTarget() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (item1->gestureOverrideEventsReceived): 0
     Expected (1)                                   : 1
  tst_gestures.cpp(1079) : failure location
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::gestureOverChildGraphicsItem() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::gestureOverChildGraphicsItem() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::gestureOverChildGraphicsItem() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::gestureOverChildGraphicsItem() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::gestureOverChildGraphicsItem() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (item1->gestureEventsReceived): 0
     Expected (TotalGestureEventsCount)     : 4
  tst_gestures.cpp(1139) : failure location
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::twoGesturesOnDifferentLevel()
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::multipleGesturesInTree()
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::multipleGesturesInComplexTree()
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::testMapToScene()
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::ungrabGesture()
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::consumeEventHint()
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::unregisterRecognizer()
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::autoCancelGestures()
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::autoCancelGestures2() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::autoCancelGestures2() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::autoCancelGestures2() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (parent->events.all.count()): 0
     Expected (1)                         : 1
  tst_gestures.cpp(1612) : failure location
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::graphicsViewParentPropagation() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::graphicsViewParentPropagation() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::graphicsViewParentPropagation() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::graphicsViewParentPropagation() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::graphicsViewParentPropagation() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (item1_c1_c1->gestureEventsReceived): 0
     Expected (TotalGestureEventsCount)           : 4
  tst_gestures.cpp(1674) : failure location
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::panelPropagation() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::panelPropagation() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::panelPropagation() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::panelPropagation() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::panelPropagation() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (item1_child1_child1->gestureEventsReceived): 0
     Expected (TotalGestureEventsCount)                   : 4
  tst_gestures.cpp(1732) : failure location
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::panelStacksBehindParent() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::panelStacksBehindParent() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::panelStacksBehindParent() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::panelStacksBehindParent() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::panelStacksBehindParent() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (panel->gestureEventsReceived): 0
     Expected (TotalGestureEventsCount)     : 4
  tst_gestures.cpp(1843) : failure location
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetWidget()
  QDEBUG : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(delete1) <-- testing
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(delete1) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(delete1) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(delete1) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(delete1) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(delete1)
  QDEBUG : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(delete2) <-- testing
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(delete2) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(delete2) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(delete2) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(delete2) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(delete2)
  QDEBUG : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(delete3) <-- testing
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(delete3) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(delete3) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(delete3) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(delete3) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(delete3)
  QDEBUG : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater1) <-- testing
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater1) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater1) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater1) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater1) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater1)
  QDEBUG : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater2) <-- testing
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater2) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater2) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater2) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater2) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater2)
  QDEBUG : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater3) <-- testing
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater3) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater3) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater3) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater3) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater3)
  QDEBUG : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater4) <-- testing
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater4) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater4) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater4) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater4) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater4)
  QDEBUG : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(delete-self-and-propagate) <-- testing
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(delete-self-and-propagate) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(delete-self-and-propagate) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(delete-self-and-propagate) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(delete-self-and-propagate) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(delete-self-and-propagate)
  QDEBUG : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater-self-and-propagate) <-- testing
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater-self-and-propagate) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater-self-and-propagate) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater-self-and-propagate) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater-self-and-propagate) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(deleteLater-self-and-propagate)
  QDEBUG : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(propagate-to-deletedLater) <-- testing
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(propagate-to-deletedLater) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(propagate-to-deletedLater) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(propagate-to-deletedLater) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(propagate-to-deletedLater) QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::deleteGestureTargetItem(propagate-to-deletedLater)
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::viewportCoordinates() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::viewportCoordinates() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::viewportCoordinates() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::viewportCoordinates() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::viewportCoordinates() 'item1->gestureEventsReceived != 0' returned FALSE. ()
  tst_gestures.cpp(1967) : failure location
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::partialGesturePropagation() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::partialGesturePropagation() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::partialGesturePropagation() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::partialGesturePropagation() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::partialGesturePropagation() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (item1->gestureOverrideEventsReceived): 0
     Expected (1)                                   : 1
  tst_gestures.cpp(2009) : failure location
  QDEBUG : tst_Gestures::testQGestureRecognizerCleanup() register: default = 0x1449320 ; platform = 0x14491f0
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::testQGestureRecognizerCleanup()
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::testReuseCanceledGestures() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  FAIL!  : tst_Gestures::testReuseCanceledGestures() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (target->started()): 0
     Expected (1)                : 1
  tst_gestures.cpp(2213) : failure location
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::bug_13501_gesture_not_accepted() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  QWARN  : tst_Gestures::bug_13501_gesture_not_accepted() QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::bug_13501_gesture_not_accepted()
  PASS   : tst_Gestures::cleanupTestCase()
  Totals: 29 passed, 14 failed, 0 skipped
  ********* Finished testing of tst_Gestures *********
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: test failure could be reproduced twice consecutively
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: end tst_gestures: 11 seconds, exit code 14

  Build log: http://testresults.qt-project.org/ci/QtBase_stable_Integration/build_02563/win32-msvc2010_developer-build_angle_Windows_7/log.txt.gz

  Tested changes (refs/builds/stable_1384846185):
    http://codereview.qt-project.org/70536 [PS1] - Clear focus from active widget when windowcontainer gets focus.
    http://codereview.qt-project.org/71387 [PS2] - Remove QMacStyle titlebar height + 4 adjustment and consequences

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