[Ci-reports] fail on QtBase_stable_Integration #2864

Qt Continuous Integration System ci-noreply at qt-project.org
Wed Jan 8 10:27:48 CET 2014

Autotest `tst_qlistwidget' failed :(

  Testing tst_QListWidget
  FAIL!  : tst_QListWidget::closePersistentEditor() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (testWidget->viewport()->children().count()): 1
     Expected (childCount - 1)                            : 0
     Loc: [tst_qlistwidget.cpp(326)]
  Totals: 117 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: test failed, running again to see if it is flaky...
  ********* Start testing of tst_QListWidget *********
  Config: Using QtTest library 5.2.1, Qt 5.2.1
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::initTestCase()
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::addItem()
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::addItem2()
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::addItems()
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::openPersistentEditor()
  FAIL!  : tst_QListWidget::closePersistentEditor() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (testWidget->viewport()->children().count()): 1
     Expected (childCount - 1)                            : 0
     Loc: [tst_qlistwidget.cpp(326)]
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::count()
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::currentItem()
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::setCurrentItem(HasItems: 0)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::setCurrentItem(HasItems: 1)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::setCurrentItem(HasItems: 2)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::setCurrentItem(HasItems: 3)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::currentRow()
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::setCurrentRow(HasItems: 0)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::setCurrentRow(HasItems: 1)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::setCurrentRow(HasItems: 2)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::setCurrentRow(HasItems: 3)
  QWARN  : tst_QListWidget::editItem(editable) edit: index was invalid
  QWARN  : tst_QListWidget::editItem(editable) edit: editing failed
  QWARN  : tst_QListWidget::editItem(editable) edit: index was invalid
  QWARN  : tst_QListWidget::editItem(editable) edit: editing failed
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::editItem(editable)
  QWARN  : tst_QListWidget::editItem(not editable) edit: index was invalid
  QWARN  : tst_QListWidget::editItem(not editable) edit: editing failed
  QWARN  : tst_QListWidget::editItem(not editable) edit: index was invalid
  QWARN  : tst_QListWidget::editItem(not editable) edit: editing failed
  QWARN  : tst_QListWidget::editItem(not editable) edit: editing failed
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::editItem(not editable)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::findItems()
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItem(Insert less then 0)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItem(Insert at 0)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItem(Insert beyond count)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItem(Insert at count)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItem(Insert in the middle)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItems(Insert 1 item using constructor)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItems(Insert 10 items using constructor)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItems(Insert 100 items using constructor)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItems(Insert 1 item with insertItem)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItems(Insert 10 items with insertItem)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItems(Insert 100 items with insertItem)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItems(Insert/Create 1 item using insertItem)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItems(Insert/Create 10 items using insertItem)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItems(Insert/Create 100 items using insertItem)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItems(Insert 0 items with insertItems)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItems(Insert 1 item with insertItems)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItems(Insert 10 items with insertItems)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItems(Insert 100 items with insertItems)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::moveItemsPriv(Empty)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::moveItemsPriv(Overflow src)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::moveItemsPriv(Underflow src)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::moveItemsPriv(Overflow dst)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::moveItemsPriv(Underflow dst)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::moveItemsPriv(Same place)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::moveItemsPriv(Up)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::moveItemsPriv(Down)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::moveItemsPriv(QTBUG-6532 assert)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::moveItemsPriv(QTBUG-6565 to the end)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::moveItemsPriv(Same place 2)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::moveItemsPriv(swap)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::moveItemsPriv(swap2)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::moveItemsPriv(swap3)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::moveItemsPriv(swap4)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::itemAssignment()
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::item(First item, row: 0)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::item(Middle item, row: 1)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::item(Last item, row: 2)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::item(Out of bounds, row: -1)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::item(Out of bounds, row: 3)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::takeItem(First item, row: 0)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::takeItem(Middle item, row: 1)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::takeItem(Last item, row: 2)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::takeItem(Out of bounds, row: -1)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::takeItem(Out of bounds, row: 3)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::setItemHidden()
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::selectedItems(none hidden, none selected)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::selectedItems(none hidden, all selected)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::selectedItems(first hidden, all selected)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::selectedItems(last hidden, all selected)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::selectedItems(middle hidden, all selected)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::selectedItems(all hidden, all selected)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::removeItems(Empty)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::removeItems(1:1)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::removeItems(3:1)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::removeItems(3:2)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::removeItems(100:10)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::itemStreaming(Data)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::sortItems(ascending strings)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::sortItems(descending strings)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::sortItems(ascending numbers)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::sortItems(descending numbers)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::sortHiddenItems(descending order, 20 items)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::sortHiddenItems(ascending order)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::sortHiddenItems(descending order)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::closeEditor()
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::setData(changing a role should emit)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::setData(setting the same value should not emit)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::setData(setting the same value twice should only emit once)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::setData(changing three roles should emit three times)
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItemsWithSorting(() + (a) = (a))
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItemsWithSorting(() + (c, b, a) = (a, b, c))
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItemsWithSorting(() + (a, b, c) = (c, b, a))
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItemsWithSorting((a) + (b) = (a, b))
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItemsWithSorting((a) + (b) = (b, a))
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItemsWithSorting((a, c, b) + (d) = (a, b, c, d))
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItemsWithSorting((b, c, a) + (d) = (d, c, b, a))
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItemsWithSorting(() + (sorted items) = (sorted items))
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItemsWithSorting((sorted items) + () = (sorted items))
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItemsWithSorting(() + (ascending items) = (reverse items))
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItemsWithSorting((reverse items) + () = (ascending items))
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertItemsWithSorting((reverse items) + () = (reverse items))
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::changeDataWithSorting(change a to b in (a))
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::changeDataWithSorting(change a to b in (a, c))
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::changeDataWithSorting(change a to c in (a, b))
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::changeDataWithSorting(change c to a in (c, b))
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::changeDataWithSorting(change e to i in (a, c, e, g))
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::changeDataWithSorting(change e to a in (c, e, g, i))
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::changeDataWithSorting(change e to f in (c, e, g, i))
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::itemData()
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::itemWidget()
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::insertUnchanged()
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::setSortingEnabled()
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::task199503_crashWhenCleared()
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::task217070_scrollbarsAdjusted()
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::task258949_keypressHangup()
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::QTBUG8086_currentItemChangedOnClick()
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::QTBUG14363_completerWithAnyKeyPressedEditTriggers()
  PASS   : tst_QListWidget::cleanupTestCase()
  Totals: 117 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped
  ********* Finished testing of tst_QListWidget *********
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: test failure could be reproduced twice consecutively
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: end tst_qlistwidget: 25 seconds, exit code 1

  Build log: http://testresults.qt-project.org/ci/QtBase_stable_Integration/build_02864/macx-clang_developer-build_OSX_10.8/log.txt.gz

  Tested changes (refs/builds/stable_1389168082):
    http://codereview.qt-project.org/74513 [PS1] - Define QT_NEEDS_QMAIN also for other win32-g++ mkspecs targets

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