[Ci-reports] fail on QtBase_dev_Integration #3764

Qt Continuous Integration System ci-noreply at qt-project.org
Wed Jul 2 11:26:12 CEST 2014

Autotests `tst_qclipboard', `tst_qpixmap', and `tst_qplaintextedit' failed :(

Some (not all) of the tests were determined to be flaky, meaning results were not consistent across multiple runs.  This might make the problem difficult to reproduce.  Also, flaky failures might or might not be related to any recent changes in the source code.

  Testing tst_QPlainTextEdit
  FAIL!  : tst_QPlainTextEdit::copyAndSelectAllInReadonly() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (QApplication::clipboard()->text()): ""
     Expected (QString("Hello World"))           : "Hello World"
  tst_qplaintextedit.cpp(696) : failure location
  FAIL!  : tst_QPlainTextEdit::canPaste() 'ed->canPaste()' returned FALSE. ()
  tst_qplaintextedit.cpp(1193) : failure location
  Totals: 80 passed, 2 failed, 1 skipped
  Mesa warning: couldn't open dxtn.dll, software DXTn compression/decompression unavailable
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: test failed, running again to see if it is flaky...
  ********* Start testing of tst_QPlainTextEdit *********
  Config: Using QtTest library 5.4.0, Qt 5.4.0 (i386-little_endian-ilp32 shared (dynamic) release build; by MSVC 2010)
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::initTestCase()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::getSetCheck()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::clearMustNotChangeClipboard()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::clearMustNotResetRootFrameMarginToDefault()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::paragSeparatorOnPlaintextAppend()
  SKIP   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::selectAllSetsNotSelection() Test only relevant for systems with selection
  tst_qplaintextedit.cpp(334) : failure location
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::asciiTab()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::setDocument()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::emptyAppend()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::appendOnEmptyDocumentShouldReuseInitialParagraph()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::cursorPositionChanged()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::setTextCursor()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::undoAvailableAfterPaste()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::undoRedoAvailableRepetition()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::appendShouldNotTouchTheSelection()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::backspace()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::shiftBackspace()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::undoRedo()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::preserveCharFormatInAppend()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::copyAndSelectAllInReadonly()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::ctrlAltInput()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::noPropertiesOnDefaultTextEditCharFormat()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::setPlainTextShouldEmitTextChangedOnce()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::overwriteMode()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::shiftDownInLineLastShouldSelectToEnd(1)
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::shiftDownInLineLastShouldSelectToEnd(2)
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::undoRedoShouldRepositionTextEditCursor()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::lineWrapModes()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::mouseCursorShape()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::implicitClear()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::undoRedoAfterSetContent()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::numPadKeyNavigation()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::moveCursor()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::mimeDataReimplementations()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::shiftEnterShouldInsertLineSeparator()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::selectWordsFromStringsContainingSeparators(separator: .)
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::selectWordsFromStringsContainingSeparators(separator: ,)
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::selectWordsFromStringsContainingSeparators(separator: ?)
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::selectWordsFromStringsContainingSeparators(separator: !)
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::selectWordsFromStringsContainingSeparators(separator: :)
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::selectWordsFromStringsContainingSeparators(separator: ;)
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::selectWordsFromStringsContainingSeparators(separator: -)
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::selectWordsFromStringsContainingSeparators(separator: <)
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::selectWordsFromStringsContainingSeparators(separator: >)
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::selectWordsFromStringsContainingSeparators(separator: [)
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::selectWordsFromStringsContainingSeparators(separator: ])
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::selectWordsFromStringsContainingSeparators(separator: ()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::selectWordsFromStringsContainingSeparators(separator: ))
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::selectWordsFromStringsContainingSeparators(separator: {)
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::selectWordsFromStringsContainingSeparators(separator: })
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::selectWordsFromStringsContainingSeparators(separator: =)
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::selectWordsFromStringsContainingSeparators(separator: 	)
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::selectWordsFromStringsContainingSeparators(separator: �)
  QSYSTEM: tst_QPlainTextEdit::canPaste() OleSetClipboard: Failed to set mime data (text/plain) on clipboard: COM error 0x800401d0  (Unknown error 0x0ffffffff800401d0) (The parameter is incorrect.)
  QSYSTEM: tst_QPlainTextEdit::canPaste() OleSetClipboard: Failed to set mime data (text/plain) on clipboard: COM error 0x800401d0  (Unknown error 0x0ffffffff800401d0) (The parameter is incorrect.)
  FAIL!  : tst_QPlainTextEdit::canPaste() 'ed->canPaste()' returned FALSE. ()
  tst_qplaintextedit.cpp(1193) : failure location
  QSYSTEM: tst_QPlainTextEdit::copyAvailable(Case1 B,B, <- + shift | signals: true) OleSetClipboard: Failed to set mime data (NULL) on clipboard: COM error 0x800401d0  (Unknown error 0x0ffffffff800401d0) (The parameter is incorrect.)
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::copyAvailable(Case1 B,B, <- + shift | signals: true)
  QSYSTEM: tst_QPlainTextEdit::copyAvailable(Case2 T,A,A, <- + shift, cut() | signals: true, false) OleSetClipboard: Failed to set mime data (NULL) on clipboard: COM error 0x800401d0  (Unknown error 0x0ffffffff800401d0) (The parameter is incorrect.)
  QSYSTEM: tst_QPlainTextEdit::copyAvailable(Case2 T,A,A, <- + shift, cut() | signals: true, false) OleSetClipboard: Failed to set mime data (text/plain, text/html, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text) on clipboard: COM error 0x800401d0  (Unknown error 0x0ffffffff800401d0) (The parameter is incorrect.)
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::copyAvailable(Case2 T,A,A, <- + shift, cut() | signals: true, false)
  QSYSTEM: tst_QPlainTextEdit::copyAvailable(Case3 T,A,A, <- + shift, <- + shift, <- + shift, copy() | signals: true) OleSetClipboard: Failed to set mime data (NULL) on clipboard: COM error 0x800401d0  (Unknown error 0x0ffffffff800401d0) (The parameter is incorrect.)
  QSYSTEM: tst_QPlainTextEdit::copyAvailable(Case3 T,A,A, <- + shift, <- + shift, <- + shift, copy() | signals: true) OleSetClipboard: Failed to set mime data (text/plain, text/html, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text) on clipboard: COM error 0x800401d0  (Unknown error 0x0ffffffff800401d0) (The parameter is incorrect.)
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::copyAvailable(Case3 T,A,A, <- + shift, <- + shift, <- + shift, copy() | signals: true)
  QSYSTEM: tst_QPlainTextEdit::copyAvailable(Case4 T,A,A, <- + shift, <- + shift, <- + shift, ctrl + x, paste() | signals: true, false) OleSetClipboard: Failed to set mime data (NULL) on clipboard: COM error 0x800401d0  (Unknown error 0x0ffffffff800401d0) (The parameter is incorrect.)
  QSYSTEM: tst_QPlainTextEdit::copyAvailable(Case4 T,A,A, <- + shift, <- + shift, <- + shift, ctrl + x, paste() | signals: true, false) OleSetClipboard: Failed to set mime data (text/plain, text/html, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text) on clipboard: COM error 0x800401d0  (Unknown error 0x0ffffffff800401d0) (The parameter is incorrect.)
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::copyAvailable(Case4 T,A,A, <- + shift, <- + shift, <- + shift, ctrl + x, paste() | signals: true, false)
  QSYSTEM: tst_QPlainTextEdit::copyAvailable(Case5 B,B, <- + shift, <- | signals: true, false) OleSetClipboard: Failed to set mime data (NULL) on clipboard: COM error 0x800401d0  (Unknown error 0x0ffffffff800401d0) (The parameter is incorrect.)
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::copyAvailable(Case5 B,B, <- + shift, <- | signals: true, false)
  QSYSTEM: tst_QPlainTextEdit::copyAvailable(Case6 B,A, <- + shift, ->, <- + shift | signals: true, false, true, false) OleSetClipboard: Failed to set mime data (NULL) on clipboard: COM error 0x800401d0  (Unknown error 0x0ffffffff800401d0) (The parameter is incorrect.)
  QSYSTEM: tst_QPlainTextEdit::copyAvailable(Case6 B,A, <- + shift, ->, <- + shift | signals: true, false, true, false) OleSetClipboard: Failed to set mime data (text/plain, text/html, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text) on clipboard: COM error 0x800401d0  (Unknown error 0x0ffffffff800401d0) (The parameter is incorrect.)
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::copyAvailable(Case6 B,A, <- + shift, ->, <- + shift | signals: true, false, true, false)
  QSYSTEM: tst_QPlainTextEdit::copyAvailable(Case7 T,A,A, <- + shift, <- + shift, <- + shift, ctrl + x, undo() | signals: true, false, true) OleSetClipboard: Failed to set mime data (NULL) on clipboard: COM error 0x800401d0  (Unknown error 0x0ffffffff800401d0) (The parameter is incorrect.)
  QSYSTEM: tst_QPlainTextEdit::copyAvailable(Case7 T,A,A, <- + shift, <- + shift, <- + shift, ctrl + x, undo() | signals: true, false, true) OleSetClipboard: Failed to set mime data (text/plain, text/html, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text) on clipboard: COM error 0x800401d0  (Unknown error 0x0ffffffff800401d0) (The parameter is incorrect.)
  XFAIL  : tst_QPlainTextEdit::copyAvailable(Case7 T,A,A, <- + shift, <- + shift, <- + shift, ctrl + x, undo() | signals: true, false, true) Wrong undo selection behaviour. Should be fixed in some future release. (See task: 132482)
  tst_qplaintextedit.cpp(1033) : failure location
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::copyAvailable(Case7 T,A,A, <- + shift, <- + shift, <- + shift, ctrl + x, undo() | signals: true, false, true)
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::ensureCursorVisibleOnInitialShow()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::setTextInsideResizeEvent()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::colorfulAppend()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::ensureVisibleWithRtl()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::preserveCharFormatAfterSetPlainText()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::extraSelections()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::adjustScrollbars()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::textObscuredByScrollbars()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::setTextPreservesUndoRedoEnabled()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::wordWrapProperty()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::lineWrapProperty()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::selectionChanged()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::blockCountChanged()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::insertAndScrollToBottom()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::inputMethodQueryImHints(None)
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::inputMethodQueryImHints(Password)
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::inputMethodQueryImHints(Normal)
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::findWithRegExp()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::findBackwardWithRegExp()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::findWithRegExpReturnsFalseIfNoMoreResults()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::layoutAfterMultiLineRemove()
  PASS   : tst_QPlainTextEdit::cleanupTestCase()
  Totals: 81 passed, 1 failed, 1 skipped
  ********* Finished testing of tst_QPlainTextEdit *********
  Mesa warning: couldn't open dxtn.dll, software DXTn compression/decompression unavailable
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: test failed on first and second attempts, but with different behavior each time:
  QtQA::App::TestRunner:   first attempt:  exited with exit code 2
  QtQA::App::TestRunner:   second attempt: exited with exit code 1
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: the test seems to be flaky, please fix this
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: this flaky test is being treated as a FAIL
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: end tst_qplaintextedit: 1 seconds, exit code 1
  Testing tst_QPixmap
  FAIL!  : tst_QPixmap::fromWinHICON(8bpp_16x16) 'compareImages(imageFromHICON, imageFromFile)' returned FALSE. ()
  tst_qpixmap.cpp(1038) : failure location
  FAIL!  : tst_QPixmap::fromWinHICON(8bpp_32x32) 'compareImages(imageFromHICON, imageFromFile)' returned FALSE. ()
  tst_qpixmap.cpp(1038) : failure location
  FAIL!  : tst_QPixmap::fromWinHICON(8bpp_48x48) 'compareImages(imageFromHICON, imageFromFile)' returned FALSE. ()
  tst_qpixmap.cpp(1038) : failure location
  Totals: 124 passed, 3 failed, 17 skipped
  Mesa warning: couldn't open dxtn.dll, software DXTn compression/decompression unavailable
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: test failed, running again to see if it is flaky...
  ********* Start testing of tst_QPixmap *********
  Config: Using QtTest library 5.4.0, Qt 5.4.0 (i386-little_endian-ilp32 shared (dynamic) release build; by MSVC 2010)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::initTestCase()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::swap()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromImage(Format_Mono)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromImage(Format_MonoLSB)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromImage(Format_ARGB32)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromImage(Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromUninitializedImage(Format_Mono)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromUninitializedImage(Format_MonoLSB)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromUninitializedImage(Format_Indexed8)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromUninitializedImage(Format_RGB32)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromUninitializedImage(Format_ARGB32)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromUninitializedImage(Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromUninitializedImage(Format_RGB16)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::convertFromImage(Task 31722 0)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::convertFromImage(Task 31722 1)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::convertFromImageShouldDetach()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::testMetrics()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::scroll(null)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::scroll(dx_0_dy_0_null)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::scroll(dx_1_dy_0_null)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::scroll(dx_0_dy_1_null)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::scroll(dx_0_dy_0_x_y_w_h)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::scroll(dx_0_dy_10_x_y_w_h)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::scroll(dx_10_dy_0_x_y_w_h)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::scroll(dx_10_dy_10_x_y_w_h)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::scroll(dx_-10_dy_0_x_y_w_h)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::scroll(dx_0_dy_-10_x_y_w_h)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::scroll(dx_-10_dy_-10_x_y_w_h)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::scroll(dx_0_dy_0_50_50_100_100)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::scroll(dx_10_dy_0_50_50_100_100)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::scroll(dx_0_dy_10_50_50_100_100)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::scroll(dx_10_dy_10_50_50_100_100)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::scroll(dx_-10_dy_0_50_50_100_100)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::scroll(dx_0_dy_-10_50_50_100_100)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::scroll(dx_-10_dy_-10_50_50_100_100)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::scroll(dx_128_dy_0_x_y_w_h)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::scroll(dx_0_dy_128_x_y_w_h)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::scroll(dx_128_dy_128_x_y_w_h)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::scroll(dx_-128_dy_0_x_y_w_h)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::scroll(dx_0_dy_-128_x_y_w_h)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::scroll(dx_-128_dy_-128_x_y_w_h)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::scroll(dx_128_dy_128_64_64_128_128)
  SKIP   : tst_QPixmap::fill(syscolor_2) Test does not work on displays without true color
  tst_qpixmap.cpp(514) : failure location
  SKIP   : tst_QPixmap::fill(syscolor_3) Test does not work on displays without true color
  tst_qpixmap.cpp(514) : failure location
  SKIP   : tst_QPixmap::fill(syscolor_4) Test does not work on displays without true color
  tst_qpixmap.cpp(514) : failure location
  SKIP   : tst_QPixmap::fill(syscolor_5) Test does not work on displays without true color
  tst_qpixmap.cpp(514) : failure location
  SKIP   : tst_QPixmap::fill(syscolor_6) Test does not work on displays without true color
  tst_qpixmap.cpp(514) : failure location
  SKIP   : tst_QPixmap::fill(syscolor_7) Test does not work on displays without true color
  tst_qpixmap.cpp(514) : failure location
  SKIP   : tst_QPixmap::fill(syscolor_8) Test does not work on displays without true color
  tst_qpixmap.cpp(514) : failure location
  SKIP   : tst_QPixmap::fill(syscolor_9) Test does not work on displays without true color
  tst_qpixmap.cpp(514) : failure location
  SKIP   : tst_QPixmap::fill(syscolor_10) Test does not work on displays without true color
  tst_qpixmap.cpp(514) : failure location
  SKIP   : tst_QPixmap::fill(syscolor_11) Test does not work on displays without true color
  tst_qpixmap.cpp(514) : failure location
  SKIP   : tst_QPixmap::fill(syscolor_12) Test does not work on displays without true color
  tst_qpixmap.cpp(514) : failure location
  SKIP   : tst_QPixmap::fill(syscolor_13) Test does not work on displays without true color
  tst_qpixmap.cpp(514) : failure location
  SKIP   : tst_QPixmap::fill(syscolor_14) Test does not work on displays without true color
  tst_qpixmap.cpp(514) : failure location
  SKIP   : tst_QPixmap::fill(syscolor_15) Test does not work on displays without true color
  tst_qpixmap.cpp(514) : failure location
  SKIP   : tst_QPixmap::fill(syscolor_16) Test does not work on displays without true color
  tst_qpixmap.cpp(514) : failure location
  SKIP   : tst_QPixmap::fill(syscolor_17) Test does not work on displays without true color
  tst_qpixmap.cpp(514) : failure location
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fill(alpha_7f_red)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fill(alpha_3f_blue)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fill(alpha_b7_green)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fill(alpha_7f_white)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fill(alpha_3f_white)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fill(alpha_b7_white)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fill(alpha_7f_black)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fill(alpha_3f_black)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fill(alpha_b7_black)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fill(bitmap_color0)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fill(bitmap_color1)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fill_transparent()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::createMaskFromColor()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::mask()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::bitmapMask()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::setGetMask(nullmask 0)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::setGetMask(nullmask 1)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::setGetMask(nullmask 2)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::setGetMask(nullmask 3)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::setGetMask(simple mask 0)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::cacheKey()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::drawBitmap()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::isNull()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::task_246446()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::convertFromImageNoDetach()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::convertFromImageDetach()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::convertFromImageCacheKey()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::toWinHBITMAP(red)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::toWinHBITMAP(green)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::toWinHBITMAP(blue)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromWinHBITMAP(red)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromWinHBITMAP(green)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromWinHBITMAP(blue)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::toWinHICON(32bpp_16x16)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::toWinHICON(32bpp_32x32)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::toWinHICON(32bpp_48x48)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::toWinHICON(32bpp_256x256)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::toWinHICON(8bpp_16x16)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::toWinHICON(8bpp_32x32)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::toWinHICON(8bpp_48x48)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromWinHICON(32bpp_16x16)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromWinHICON(32bpp_32x32)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromWinHICON(32bpp_48x48)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromWinHICON(32bpp_256x256)
  QWARN  : tst_QPixmap::fromWinHICON(8bpp_16x16) Color mismatch at pixel 2,0: Expected: 0xff0b541e. got 0xff085518
  FAIL!  : tst_QPixmap::fromWinHICON(8bpp_16x16) 'compareImages(imageFromHICON, imageFromFile)' returned FALSE. ()
  tst_qpixmap.cpp(1038) : failure location
  QWARN  : tst_QPixmap::fromWinHICON(8bpp_32x32) Color mismatch at pixel 5,0: Expected: 0xff00481a. got 0xff004918
  FAIL!  : tst_QPixmap::fromWinHICON(8bpp_32x32) 'compareImages(imageFromHICON, imageFromFile)' returned FALSE. ()
  tst_qpixmap.cpp(1038) : failure location
  QWARN  : tst_QPixmap::fromWinHICON(8bpp_48x48) Color mismatch at pixel 8,0: Expected: 0xff014b1c. got 0xff004918
  FAIL!  : tst_QPixmap::fromWinHICON(8bpp_48x48) 'compareImages(imageFromHICON, imageFromFile)' returned FALSE. ()
  tst_qpixmap.cpp(1038) : failure location
  SKIP   : tst_QPixmap::onlyNullPixmapsOutsideGuiThread() This platform supports threaded pixmaps.
  tst_qpixmap.cpp(1068) : failure location
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::refUnref()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::copy()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::depthOfNullObjects()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::transformed()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::transformed2()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromImage_crash()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::load()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::loadFromData()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::loadFromDataStream()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromData()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::loadFromDataNullValues()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::loadFromDataImage(designer_argb32.png)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::loadFromDataImage(designer_argb32)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::loadFromDataImage(designer_indexed8_no_alpha.png)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::loadFromDataImage(designer_indexed8_with_alpha.png)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::loadFromDataImage(designer_rgb32.png)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::loadFromDataImage(designer_indexed8_no_alpha.gif)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::loadFromDataImage(designer_indexed8_with_alpha.gif)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::loadFromDataImage(designer_rgb32.jpg)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromImageReader(designer_argb32.png)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromImageReader(designer_indexed8_no_alpha.png)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromImageReader(designer_indexed8_with_alpha.png)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromImageReader(designer_rgb32.png)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromImageReader(designer_indexed8_no_alpha.gif)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromImageReader(designer_indexed8_with_alpha.gif)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromImageReader(designer_rgb32.jpg)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromImageReader(designer_indexed8_with_alpha_animated)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromImageReader(designer_indexed8_no_alpha_animated)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromImageReaderAnimatedGif(gif with alpha)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::fromImageReaderAnimatedGif(gif without alpha)
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::preserveDepth()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::splash_crash()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::toImageDeepCopy()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::loadAsBitmapOrPixmap()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::scaled_QTBUG19157()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::detachOnLoad_QTBUG29639()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::copyOnNonAlignedBoundary()
  PASS   : tst_QPixmap::cleanupTestCase()
  Totals: 124 passed, 3 failed, 17 skipped
  ********* Finished testing of tst_QPixmap *********
  Mesa warning: couldn't open dxtn.dll, software DXTn compression/decompression unavailable
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: test failure could be reproduced twice consecutively
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: end tst_qpixmap: 1 seconds, exit code 3
  Testing tst_QClipboard
  FAIL!  : tst_QClipboard::setMimeData() Compared pointers are not the same
     Actual   (QGuiApplication::clipboard()->mimeData()): 007BBEC0
     Expected ((const QMimeData *)mimeData)             : 007BB578
  ..\tst_qclipboard.cpp(308) : failure location
  FAIL!  : tst_QClipboard::clearBeforeSetText() Compared values are not the same
     Actual   (QGuiApplication::clipboard()->text()): ""
     Expected (text)                                : "tst_QClipboard::clearBeforeSetText()"
  ..\tst_qclipboard.cpp(396) : failure location
  Totals: 6 passed, 2 failed, 0 skipped
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: test failed, running again to see if it is flaky...
  ********* Start testing of tst_QClipboard *********
  Config: Using QtTest library 5.4.0, Qt 5.4.0 (i386-little_endian-ilp32 shared (dynamic) release build; by MSVC 2010)
  PASS   : tst_QClipboard::initTestCase()
  PASS   : tst_QClipboard::copy_exit_paste()
  PASS   : tst_QClipboard::capabilityFunctions()
  PASS   : tst_QClipboard::modes()
  PASS   : tst_QClipboard::testSignals()
  QSYSTEM: tst_QClipboard::setMimeData() OleSetClipboard: Failed to set mime data () on clipboard: COM error 0x800401d0  (Unknown error 0x0ffffffff800401d0) (The parameter is incorrect.)
  FAIL!  : tst_QClipboard::setMimeData() Compared pointers are not the same
     Actual   (QGuiApplication::clipboard()->mimeData()): 0082BEC0
     Expected ((const QMimeData *)mimeData)             : 0082B588
  ..\tst_qclipboard.cpp(308) : failure location
  PASS   : tst_QClipboard::clearBeforeSetText()
  PASS   : tst_QClipboard::cleanupTestCase()
  Totals: 7 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped
  ********* Finished testing of tst_QClipboard *********
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: test failed on first and second attempts, but with different behavior each time:
  QtQA::App::TestRunner:   first attempt:  exited with exit code 2
  QtQA::App::TestRunner:   second attempt: exited with exit code 1
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: the test seems to be flaky, please fix this
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: this flaky test is being treated as a FAIL
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: end tst_qclipboard: 1 seconds, exit code 1

  Build log: http://testresults.qt-project.org/ci/QtBase_dev_Integration/build_03764/win32-msvc2010_developer-build_qtnamespace_Windows_7/log.txt.gz

  Tested changes (refs/builds/dev_1404289418):
    http://codereview.qt-project.org/88677 [PS1] - Add tests for assignment operator
    http://codereview.qt-project.org/87836 [PS4] - Implement QWidget::grabCursor(const QCursor&).

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