[Ci-reports] fail on QtQA_master_Integration #676

Qt Continuous Integration System ci-noreply at qt-project.org
Tue May 12 00:29:13 CEST 2015

Autotest `scripts' failed :(

The test was determined to be flaky, meaning results were not consistent across multiple runs.  This might make the problem difficult to reproduce.  Also, flaky failures might or might not be related to any recent changes in the source code.

  + perl C:\work\build\qt\qtqa\scripts\setup.pl --install
  Checking perl modules ...
  Capture::Tiny - OK
  IO::CaptureOutput - OK
  Win32::Status - OK
  Inline::C - OK
  Time::Piece - OK
  Coro::AnyEvent - OK
  Lingua::EN::Numbers - OK
  Test::NoWarnings - OK
  Class::Factory::Util - OK
  IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate - OK
  AnyEvent::Util - OK
  HTTP::Headers - OK
  autodie - OK
  List::Compare - OK
  List::MoreUtils - OK
  AnyEvent - OK
  Test::Exception - OK
  parent - OK
  File::HomeDir - OK
  Test::Exit - OK
  Env::Path - OK
  AnyEvent::HTTP - OK
  File::Fetch - OK
  Const::Fast - OK
  Test::More - OK
  Text::Diff - OK
  Data::Compare - OK
  Perl::Critic - OK
  Text::ParseWords - OK
  LWP::UserAgent::Determined - OK
  File::Copy::Recursive - OK
  QMake::Project - OK
  Timer::Simple - OK
  Tie::IxHash - OK
  File::Which - OK
  XML::Simple - OK
  File::chdir - OK
  Win32::Job - OK
  Sub::Override - OK
  Text::Trim - OK
  Test::Perl::Critic - OK
  Lingua::EN::Inflect - OK
  Text::Wrap - OK
  Class::Data::Inheritable - OK
  File::Slurp - OK
  File::Find::Rule - OK
  Time::Out - OK
  ReleaseAction - OK
  App::cpanminus - OK
  Template - OK
  Readonly - OK
  Win32::Process::Info - OK
  Params::Validate - OK
  Test::Warn - OK
  Win32::Process - OK
  YAML::Node - OK
  Config::Tiny - OK
  IO::Prompt - OK
  It looks like your CPAN setup is complete :)
  + prove -I C:/work/build/qt/qtqa/scripts/lib/perl5 --merge --state=save -I C:/work/build/qt/qtqa/scripts/lib/perl5 --recurse C:/work/build/qt/qtqa/scripts
  C:/work/build/qt/qtqa/scripts/generic/t/01-coveragerunner_testcocoon.t ...................... ok
  C:/work/build/qt/qtqa/scripts/generic/t/01-testrunner-testcocoon.t .......................... ok
  C:/work/build/qt/qtqa/scripts/generic/t/01-xml2html_testcocoon.t ............................ ok
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: Timed out after 1200 seconds
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: test failed, running again to see if it is flaky...
  + perl C:\work\build\qt\qtqa\scripts\setup.pl --install
  Checking perl modules ...
  Capture::Tiny - OK
  IO::CaptureOutput - OK
  Win32::Status - OK
  Inline::C - OK
  Time::Piece - OK
  Coro::AnyEvent - OK
  Lingua::EN::Numbers - OK
  Test::NoWarnings - OK
  Class::Factory::Util - OK
  IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate - OK
  AnyEvent::Util - OK
  HTTP::Headers - OK
  autodie - OK
  List::Compare - OK
  List::MoreUtils - OK
  AnyEvent - OK
  Test::Exception - OK
  parent - OK
  File::HomeDir - OK
  Test::Exit - OK
  Env::Path - OK
  AnyEvent::HTTP - OK
  File::Fetch - OK
  Const::Fast - OK
  Test::More - OK
  Text::Diff - OK
  Data::Compare - OK
  Perl::Critic - OK
  Text::ParseWords - OK
  LWP::UserAgent::Determined - OK
  File::Copy::Recursive - OK
  QMake::Project - OK
  Timer::Simple - OK
  Tie::IxHash - OK
  File::Which - OK
  XML::Simple - OK
  File::chdir - OK
  Win32::Job - OK
  Sub::Override - OK
  Text::Trim - OK
  Test::Perl::Critic - OK
  Lingua::EN::Inflect - OK
  Text::Wrap - OK
  Class::Data::Inheritable - OK
  File::Slurp - OK
  File::Find::Rule - OK
  Time::Out - OK
  ReleaseAction - OK
  App::cpanminus - OK
  Template - OK
  Readonly - OK
  Win32::Process::Info - OK
  Params::Validate - OK
  Test::Warn - OK
  Win32::Process - OK
  YAML::Node - OK
  Config::Tiny - OK
  IO::Prompt - OK
  It looks like your CPAN setup is complete :)
  cannot unlink file for C:\work\build\qt\qtqa\scripts\test_pl_tmp\crqwSHn_5h: Permission denied at C:/work/build/qt/qtqa/scripts/test.pl line 152
  cannot unlink file for C:\work\build\qt\qtqa\scripts\test_pl_tmp\rO6YRaibou: Permission denied at C:/work/build/qt/qtqa/scripts/test.pl line 152
  cannot remove directory for C:\work\build\qt\qtqa\scripts\test_pl_tmp: Directory not empty at C:/work/build/qt/qtqa/scripts/test.pl line 152
  rmtree C:\work\build\qt\qtqa\scripts\test_pl_tmp: Directory not empty at C:/work/build/qt/qtqa/scripts/test.pl line 152.
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: test failed on first and second attempts, but with different behavior each time:
  QtQA::App::TestRunner:   first attempt:  exited with exit code 293
  QtQA::App::TestRunner:   second attempt: exited with exit code 41
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: the test seems to be flaky, please fix this
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: this flaky test is being treated as a FAIL
  QtQA::App::TestRunner: end scripts: 1211 seconds, exit code 41

  Build log: http://testresults.qt.io/ci/QtQA_master_Integration/build_00676/win64-msvc2012_developer-build_qtnamespace_Windows_81/log.txt.gz

  Tested changes (refs/builds/master_1431342755):
    http://codereview.qt-project.org/111472 [PS1] - Accept 201 as a return value from Jenkins

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