[Development] QtNetwork changes from QtDD SF 2011

Peter Hartmann peter.hartmann at nokia.com
Tue Dec 6 18:00:10 CET 2011

On 12/06/2011 04:56 PM, ext Jonas Gastal wrote:
> (...)
>>> That's a slightly different problem. With WebKit 2, we have different
>> processes,
>>> so different instances of QAbstractNetworkCache. The problem then is not
>> to
>>> make the class be thread-safe, but to make the cache methodology be
>> multi-
>>> process-safe.

Yes, it was my exact point to note that this is a different problem; and 
of course QMutex does not help here.

> Sorry if this is a stupid point, but there is a pretty standard mechanism
> for
> multiprocess "mutexes" in the form of ".lock" files. Isn't this an obvious
> and
> acceptable solution(to that part of the issue)? They have the same up/down
> sides of actual mutexes.

It might be; other options include QSharedMemory or whatever 
boost::interprocess::file_lock does.

My point was more that there might be more logic needed on top of the 
disk cache, because we had plans to keep some items in memory (as 
browsers do), which we then maybe would need to synchronize; in addition 
we would need something for a persistent cookie jar where you do not 
want to read from / write to disk for each single cookie.

So my point was: Let's keep the WebKit2 use case in mind when 
redesigning the cache / persisting the cookie jar etc.


> Gastal.
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