[Development] Indicating Maintainers & Approvers on IRC

Giuseppe D'Angelo dangelog at gmail.com
Thu Dec 8 18:15:38 CET 2011

On 8 December 2011 17:04,  <marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com> wrote:
> However, those days have passed, and I think it would be useful to
> re-purpose the op/voice to signify Maintainers, Approvers etc, to help
> contributors know who is what.
> So, I propose that
>     Chief Maintainer + Maintainers +
>     Infra. tools Admins get Op status (@ prefix)
>     Approvers get Voice status (+ prefix)

Operators and voiced users have very different meanings on IRC, and
noone should be a permanent +o without a very good reason (cf. also
[1]). What's the problem with having only +v? If you want to contact
someone (approver, maintainer) with knowledge in a certain area you
still need to figure out who those people are exactly, that is, either
you ask around or consult some wiki page about that...

Or are you proposing that only maintainers/infra admins/etc. should
moderate the channel?

Giuseppe D'Angelo

[1] http://freenode.net/channel_guidelines.shtml

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