[Development] Json support for QtCore

Robin Burchell robin+qt at viroteck.net
Sun Dec 11 17:29:45 CET 2011

On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 3:55 PM,  <lars.knoll at nokia.com> wrote:
>>Is this a standard binary format of JSON, or something of your own devise?
> It's something I wrote. I wanted it to be something that you can simply
> mmap from a file and use without ever having to parse anything to make
> saving and restoring of json objects as cheap as possible.
> The problem with bson is that it's a streaming format that still requires
> parsing and as such was unsuitable for some of the use cases I have.

BSON's specification is also a little less generic (& tied to its
origins) than I'd like. Two small examples: having a concept of what a
'symbol' is instead of just sticking to standard js types... and then
there's things like 'timestamp' - which the specification notes is a
"special internal type used by mongodb replication and sharding".

Things like that are, in my opinion, not that great.

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