[Development] Gerrit Expert Group (GEG)

marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com marius.storm-olsen at nokia.com
Tue Dec 13 12:40:31 CET 2011


A Gerrit Expert Group mailing list has now been formed. 

The public Gerrit Expert Group will be the driving force of triaging bug/feature requests for Gerrit, ensuring that the right issues are handled first, and will also be responsible for testing fixes when those fixes have been deployed.

GEG should be a collection of people who are willing to do their share to ensure that our code review process is as smooth as possible, so please only join the group if you are willing to do so. We need to keep this group quick and nimble. 

Right now there are around 40 Jira tasks for Gerrit which requires triaging, so if you are willing to do your share, please sign up and help us out!

Thank you for your participation!

Marius Storm-Olsen

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