[Development] Qt Commercial 4.8.0 release delta to LGPL version

Frans Klaver fransklaver at gmail.com
Thu Dec 15 12:45:05 CET 2011

On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 12:21 PM, Turunen Tuukka
<Tuukka.Turunen at digia.com> wrote:

> Qt 4.8.0 and Qt Commercial 4.8.0 have been released today. I wanted to send
> you e-mail about the delta between these.
> We have worked hard with 4.8 to improve it for desktop and embedded
> platforms according to the needs of commercial licensees. We have fixed a
> lot of bugs and included support to new platforms. While doing these, we
> have made close to 200 contributions in the past few months, but
> unfortunately not all these have yet been merged in to Qt.
> So now there is total of 108 improvements and bug fixes available in Qt
> Commercial 4.8.0 that are not part of the LGPL release. I want to underline
> that this is not the intended way of differentiating our offering. Going
> forward I hope that we can be more aligned. I would like to see most of the
> current delta integrated to Qt by the time of 4.8.1, if it is possible.

Wouldn't it make sense to have some people from digia as maintainers
or approvers?

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