[Development] (no subject)

Robin Burchell robin+qt at viroteck.net
Tue Dec 20 15:04:48 CET 2011

Hi Dave,

Welcome! Enjoy your stay. :)

On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 2:59 PM, Dave Mateer <davemateerwork at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have absolutely no idea what that means. I looked through the git manual and
> think I see how to create a remote, but I am not sure what to put as the
> target. I do not see any Qt4 project on the codereview site, only Qt5.

As the comment implies - for the moment, Qt 4 isn't in gerrit, only Qt
5. There are hopes to change this in the near future, as is being
discussed on the list at the moment
I'd personally recommend waiting a few days and seeing what the
outcome of that discussion is, if you still want to target Qt 4.

> Could someone please explain what the above statement means and perhaps just
> include the git command I need to run to fulfill the requirement?

To add remotes, you want something like:
  git remote add nameofremote gitrepourl
for instance,
  git remote add github_backup git at github.com:rburchell/foo.git
  git push github_backup master

would add a new remote to my current repository, and sync the 'master'
branch up to it

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