[Development] QContactLocalId in Qt5
Mathias Hasselmann
mathias at openismus.com
Wed Nov 2 09:59:33 CET 2011
Am Dienstag, den 01.11.2011, 09:56 +0100 schrieb Robin Burchell:
> You should probably also talk to some of the Harmattan contacts guys
> if you haven't already (of which I am one, a few other of which I've
> CC'd). They may have some other ideas on potential changes for
> source-incompatible Qt 5 changes.
If that one is to be kept, then QLatin1Constant::operator QString()
should go and only the QLatin1String() variant should be left. Often
enough C++ fails to choose between the QString() and the QLatin1String()
variant, causing us to write ugly things of this kind:
foo = baz.operator QString()
It creates long living objects causing heap fragmentation. For
qtcontacts-tracker we got bug reports for wasting dirty pages worth
several mega bytes because of this. To avoid that fragmentation,
QContactStringHolder should be made public, so that engines can warm the
cache, or even better that code should be change to use some better
memory allocator. Slab, like successfully used by GSlice would be an
option. Adrien has more details.
Mathias Hasselmann <mathias at openismus.com>
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