[Development] [cmake-developers] Installing Qt5Config.cmake from the Qt repo?

Oswald Buddenhagen oswald.buddenhagen at nokia.com
Wed Nov 2 17:29:30 CET 2011

On 11/02/11 14:56, ext Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> On Wednesday 02 November 2011, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:
>> that idea is a non-starter.
>> it starts with dependencies.
> What problems do you see there ?
the way you express them. -Lfoo/bar -lbaz definitely doesn't cut it, and 
neither does foo/bar/libbaz.so. you need abstract dependencies, but that 
depends on the build/packaging system again.

>> then, how do you define "build
>> configuration" in a build system agnostic way? zero chance.
> At least for Windows it should be clear. There are debug and non-debug builds,
> which are AFAIK relatively clear separated.
yes, and release_with_debuginfo, and custom and whatever.

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