[Development] API review for a new QDnsResolver class

shane.kearns at accenture.com shane.kearns at accenture.com
Thu Nov 3 14:40:23 CET 2011

Hi Jeremy,

The API needs a way to cancel the lookup.
Following the QNetworkReply, you could have:

bool QDnsReply::isFinished() const
void QDnsReply::abort()

QHostInfo has:

void abortHostLookup(int id)

However as we're using a response object, the abort method should be part of the object.

QDnsResolver[Runnable] should interface with the private class rather than be a friend of the public class, if possible.
For example, a static factory function in the private class

I don't have a strong view on how to present the request, but if you go the QDnsRequest route, then the QDnsResolver API should be:
QDnsReply* lookup(const QDnsRequest&)

With the QDnsRequest having the functions to construct requests for different types of record.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: development-bounces+shane.kearns=accenture.com at qt-project.org
> [mailto:development-bounces+shane.kearns=accenture.com at qt-project.org]
> On Behalf Of Jeremy Lainé
> Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2011 11:40
> To: development at qt-project.org
> Subject: [Development] API review for a new QDnsResolver class
> Based on some initial feedback I received regarding DNS SRV support in
> Qt, I have refactored my proposed code and introduced a "QDnsResolver"
> class which I would like to submit for API review. The point of this
> class is to provide a QNAM-style asynchronous API to perform DNS
> lookups.
> The resolver object itself looks like:
> class Q_NETWORK_EXPORT QDnsResolver : public QObject
> {
>     Q_OBJECT
> public:
>     QDnsResolver(QObject *parent = 0);
>     ~QDnsResolver();
>     QDnsReply *lookupService(const QString &serviceName, const QString
> &domainName);
> private:
>     Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(QDnsResolver)
> };
> Currently, there is only lookupService() to perform DNS SRV record
> types, but it would be easy to add lookupText() for TXT records, etc.
> An open question: should we have multiple lookupXXX() methods, or a
> single lookup() which takes a QDnsRequest?
> The reply object looks like:
> class Q_NETWORK_EXPORT QDnsReply : public QObject
> {
>     Q_OBJECT
>     Q_ENUMS(Error Type)
> public:
>     enum Error
>     {
>         NoError = 0,
>         NotFoundError = 1,
>         UnknownError = 2
>     };
>     enum Type
>     {
>         SrvType = 0,
>     };
>     ~QDnsReply();
>     Error error() const;
>     QString errorString() const;
>     Type type() const;
>     QList<QDnsServiceRecord> serviceRecords() const;
>     void finished();
> private:
>     QDnsReply(QObject *parent);
>     friend class QDnsResolver;
>     friend class QDnsResolverRunnable;
> };
> A point worth mentioning: have multiple accessors for the different
> record types gives us some nice flexibility, as for a given request
> type (SRV, TXT) we might want to return the additional information we
> received (such as A or AAAA records).
> What is currently missing in this class is a getter to retrieve the
> query content. It's not yet clear to me how this should be stored:
> - a simple option would be simply store a QString of the queried
> records, but this does not capture the need for more structured input
> (e.g serviceName / domainName for DNS SRV)
> - another option would be to have a QDnsRequest object in the spirit of
> QNAM. For DNS SRV lookups, this would allow us to keep the split
> between the "serviceName" (_service._proto) and the "domainName" which
> is currently used by lookupService()
> QDnsServiceRecord is a read-only QSharedData-based class which holds
> the target, port, priority, weight of a single SRV resource record.
> Additional record types can be supported by adding QDnsXXXRecord
> classes.
> I have pushed my local branch of qtbase to gitorious, it comes complete
> with autotests:
> https://qt.gitorious.org/~sharky/qt/sharkys-qtbase/commits/dns-srv-
> support
> Note: I can't guarantee the win32 code still compiles, there might be
> some minor tweaks due to code refactoring.
> Comments are most welcome!
> Jeremy
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