[Development] Gerrit HTTP vs HTTPS

Sergio Ahumada Navea san at sansano.inf.utfsm.cl
Thu Oct 27 17:42:01 CEST 2011

On 10/26/2011 11:12 AM, Giovanni Bajo wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm not sure what's the correct "meta-list" now (list for discussion on the qt-project itself), so I'm posting there. I apologize in advance if it is not the correct list.
> Gerrit is available on both http:// and https://, but since it's using HTTP basic-auth, passwords are transmitted in clear over the wire. Does the non-secure instance serve any purpose? Otherwise, I guess it's better to disable it, or at least change it to a redirector to the secure instance.
> Thanks!


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Sergio Ahumada Navea
san at sansano.inf.utfsm.cl

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