[Development] Installing Qt5Config.cmake from the Qt repo?

Thiago Macieira thiago at kde.org
Fri Oct 28 15:26:18 CEST 2011

On Friday, 28 de October de 2011 14:21:23 Stephen Kelly wrote:
> > Alternatively, let's be very clear: it's Qt5EssentialsConfig.cmake and it
> > includes NO other Qt addon. For those addons, they need to provide the
> > Config files themselves.
> Can you remind me where to find out what Qt5Essentials is or where I can
> find out? Searching in http://wiki.qt-project.org/ isn't throwing up
> anything. Is it roughly the contents of qtbase.git? Or does it include
> qtdeclarative.git too?

Qt 5 = Qt Essentials + Qt Addons

Qt Essentials = QtCore, QtNetwork, QtGui, QtWebKit, QtDeclarative/Qt Quick
	plus QtWidgets on desktop

Technically speaking, in order to build those you're going to need some other 
dependencies (QtSvg, QtXmlPatterns, V8), but they don't constitute part of the 
required Essentials API, just as non-Qt dependencies don't either. It also 
specifically excludes (for the moment) some libs inside qtbase.git that should 
be moved out, like QtDBus, QtXml and QtSql.

Everything else is part of the Addons, like QtSvg, QtXmlPatterns, 
QtMultimediaKit and all other new addons to be created by the community or 
contributed from KDE or other sources.

Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) macieira.info - thiago (AT) kde.org
   Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
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