[Development] QML and SVG = unsupported image format

Daniel Kreuter daniel.kreuter85 at googlemail.com
Tue Apr 10 09:10:45 CEST 2012

Hello there,

I have a strange behavior. When I start my program out of Qt Creator,
all Images are visible. Starting it from the Windows Explorer the SVG
Images are missing.
On my development computer it works in Qt Creator, but on the target
computer when I start my program out of Qt Creator, I get the message
that the svg images are unsupported.

How can I get this format working?

I tried adding the following to my .pro file:
QT += svg
QT_PLUGIN += qsvg

but nothing worked.

the libsvg4.dll in the plugins dir of Qt are there. Do I need to set
some environment variables targeting to the Qt plugins dir?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Daniel Kreuter

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