[Development] Qt5 missing features

jason.mcdonald at nokia.com jason.mcdonald at nokia.com
Wed Apr 11 08:35:00 CEST 2012

On Tuesday 10 April 2012 Christoph Feck wrote:
> Instead of rushing half-baked APIs, the 5.0 release should be a solid
> base from which new and well designed APIs can be launched. The less
> APIs are included into 5.0, the lower the frustation will be when it
> is later discovered that they are ill-designed.

I'd like to thoroughly endorse this.  The time for new features in 5.0 has
passed and for the moment we need to focus on improving stability,
performance, autotests and documentation.

The next opportunity to add new API's to Qt will be 5.1, but before we
start on that we need to create a stable foundation on which we can
build those new API's with confidence.

The more members of the community who can jump in and help with the
remaining tasks for 5.0, the quicker we'll be able to open the gates for
5.1 development.

Jason McDonald
QTestLib Maintainer

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