[Development] Choosing a new MinGW for Qt/Qt Creator/Qt SDK

andy fillebrown andy.fillebrown at gmail.com
Fri Apr 20 04:34:21 CEST 2012

I would add to the "proper compiler" list the ability to set debug
breakpoints quickly and proper display of call stacks across .dll
boundaries.  IMO those are the two things that bug me the most about
the "distros" already mentioned.  Waiting 2+ minutes for the debugger
to start, and then not being able to see a complete callstack, is
frustrating.  So much so that I find myself going back to Qt's GCC 4.4

~ andy.f

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 2:15 PM,  <daniel.molkentin at nokia.com> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> After several complains from the community that GCC 4.4 shipped with both
> Creator and the Qt SDK is fairly outdated (and not C++11 compliant), we are
> going to ship a mingw.org-based GCC 4.6.2 with the next Qt Creator release.
> Even though we verified that this works with the MinGW 4.4 compiled Qt
> releases from the Qt SDK, I think we should agree on a common version. Thus,
> I want to come to an agreement with all relevant stakeholders in the Qt
>  Project on which MinGW to ship.
> From my POV, the following things are important when choosing a “proper”
> MinGW-based compiler:
> -          Prefer existing MinGW distros* over compiling & maintaining MinGW
> ourselves (although others may disagree here)
> -          Make sure they are minimal and centered around C/C++ development
> (i.e. no elaborate gjc cruft like we still have in our current MinGW 4.4
> packages)
> -          Make sure we pick a distro that provides regular updates and
> provides new GCC versions in a timely manner
> -          Let’s ship both a 64 and a 32 bit version, and ideally ones that
> provide a cross-compiler respectively
> -          Let’s make sure we start providing them at the same time, and we
> start building our products with them
> Marius found http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingwbuilds/files/, which seems
> to satisfy all of the above. Other suggestions/preferences are welcome.
> If deemed necessary, we can also build our own MinGW distro via Qt Project’s
> public build infrastructure (http://builds.qt-project.org). We need good
> build recipes for that, though, and someone who is willing to maintain them.
> Cheers,
>   Daniel
> *) by “Distro” I mean different entities compiling & providing MinGW
> releases such as MinGW.org, TDM, etc
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