[Development] How about the future of qbs after Nokia sells Qt to Digia?

Diego Iastrubni diegoiast at gmail.com
Sat Aug 11 22:43:43 CEST 2012

On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 4:32 PM, Charley Bay <charleyb123 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Yuchen spaketh:
> I noticed Nokia stop developing qbs for a long time, and qtcreator's
>> wip/qbs seems stop developing too.
>> And for now Nokia sells Qt to Digia, I want know how about the future of
>> qbs?
>> If the Digia give up qbs, I will choice CMake as my build system.
>> So, any news or commens are very welcome!
> I was wondering this too -- Digia, care to comment?
> I know there are lots of things going on, so it's likely details like the
> "qbs" effort may take some time to plan-out.  However, it would be good to
> "get-a-feel" for direction for an effort like "qbs".
> Even if the answer is, "We're looking into it, and will get back to you
> later", that's fine.  However, if the decision is made, please let us know.
I know this has been discussed before... and the reasons why not have been
told (I do need to search for them again... I know), but I am personally
moving my personal projects from qmake to cmake. I am using only cmake to
build Qt applications, and I personally think everyone should.

It would be great if from now you start pushing towards making cmake the
official build system for Qt.

Again - you guys already spoken against it and I do need to review those
reasons, but this is me speaking - one of the people actually using this
beautiful system.
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