[Development] CMake for Qt5: Does exist set(CMAKE_AUTOUIC ON) support? or plan?

Stephen Kelly stephen.kelly at kdab.com
Thu Aug 30 18:03:27 CEST 2012

On Thursday, August 30, 2012 23:24:51 Loaden wrote:
> set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) is great.
> But for now I have to use qt5_wrap_ui macros.
> e.g.


> Any help? Thanks!

I don't think there is any plan for an auto-uic feature. 

It might be possible, but I've not thought too much about it. I guess Alex 
(who integrated the AUTOMOC stuff into cmake) didn't either because KDE has to 
use a different macro for uic stuff anyway.

It's not a bad idea to have an auto-uic feature (I think), but I don't think 
it's as obvious how it should work as it is with moc. 


Stephen Kelly <stephen.kelly at kdab.com> | Software Engineer
KDAB (Deutschland) GmbH & Co.KG, a KDAB Group Company
www.kdab.com || Germany +49-30-521325470 || Sweden (HQ) +46-563-540090
KDAB - Qt Experts - Platform-Independent Software Solutions
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