[Development] Qml mime types

Mohamed Fawzi Fawzi.Mohamed at digia.com
Tue Dec 11 15:12:12 CET 2012

I sort of expected qml-qt-quick to be considered not ok (also Marco Bubke raised that point), which is a fair point, considering BB for example.
I am open to better naming, still I would like to differentiate
  "file using qml syntax"
  ".qml file that is supposed to be loaded in the qml runtime or qmlscene"
as that is an useful distinction for example to decide how to open such a file, or which search path to consider for modules in an editor.

for the superclass of all files with qml syntax, and
for the qml runtime specific files
sound better?

Any other proposal?


From: Knoll Lars
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 2:01 PM
To: Mohamed Fawzi
Cc: development at qt-project.org; faure at kde.org
Subject: Re: [Development] Qml mime types

On Dec 11, 2012, at 10:48 AM, Mohamed Fawzi <Fawzi.Mohamed at digia.com> wrote:

> Now Qt has several files that use the QML syntax:
> * .qml files of QtQuick 1 and QtQuick 2
> * .qbs files
> * .qmlproject files
> * .qmltypes files
> I wanted to clean up a bit the mime types for the editor, and introduce q generic "QML syntax" file type.
> I began doing it using the current application/x-qml type, but Marc Mutz said that it would be better to register types with iana as they did without too much effort for KOffice.
> Indeed registering in the vendor tree (vnd.) seems to be doable, and I think it is a good idea.
> I was thinking of registering
>       text/vnd.qt.qml => a file using the qml syntax, subclass of text/plain; charset=utf-8
> and
>       text/vnd.qt.qml-qtquick (.qml file)

I don't like this too much, as .qml doesn't have to imply using qt quick. Why not merge this with the generic text/vnd.qt.qml entry above?

>       text/vnd.qt.qbs (.qbs file)
>       text/vnd.qt.qml-project (.qmlproject)
>       text/vnd.qt.qml-meta-info (.qmltypes)
> as subclasses of text/vnd.qt.qml
These look ok to me.

> I would specify that the charset parameter should not be used in conjunction with these types, as they all use utf-8.
> This charset consideration respect the new guidelines for text/* mime types, that were done to address the concers that made (for example) application/javascript, or the "better choice", and introduced issues with html and xml.
> I would no make the connection to text/javascript explicit, because there are subtle differences that makes that none is a perfect subset of the other (charset & strictness, vs extended syntax), but I am open to reconsider this.

Please don't try to connect them to text/javascript. I think that would cause more confusion then it's worth it. qml is not valid JS syntax after all.


> This registration should be done for qt, so I am opening the discussion about them here, and when we have a consensus the proposal can be done on ietf-types at iana.org, and then officially registred at
>       http://www.iana.org/cgi-bin/mediatypes.pl
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