[Development] QAction-like API for QML

Alan Alpert 416365416c at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 00:20:35 CET 2012

On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 2:57 PM, André Pönitz
<andre.poenitz at mathematik.tu-chemnitz.de> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 09:48:22AM -0800, Alan Alpert wrote:
> ...
>> But there are other ways to support those use cases than adding a
>> C++ API for the new Actions. My initial thought is something like a
>> QActionBridge which can take a QAction or a QML Action to start with
>> and then generates the other on the fly. It's not pretty, but it's a
>> lot easier than abstracting out a QGuiAction and still allows you to
>> get a reference to the other type if you need the interoperability.
> That's already an implementation detail. It does indeed not have to be
> the same object, and it does not have to have _exactly_ the same
> interface. But it has to be "highlevel", and one has to be able to
> easily shift stance, i.e. move things from one side of the divide to
> the other without much ado. This sort of implies that the interfaces,
> down to property names, should be as close as possible - even if the
> "using" languages are quite different.

Yes, the interfaces should be as close as possible where appropriate.
If the same thing is in both APIs, it should have the same name (and
the same type where possible). But this does not mean that things in
the QAction API should get any extra weighting when we design the QML
Action API - it should only have the things that make sense for what
QML does and how it will be used in QML. That would lead to
compromising the QML API for porting concerns, which is a *terrible*
choice for anyone writing a QML only application. It's a tough set of
concerns to balance.

Alan Alpert

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