[Development] Convenience Imports in QML
Attila Csipa
qt at csipa.in.rs
Thu Dec 13 00:03:23 CET 2012
On 12/12/12 23:01, Alan Alpert wrote:
> Major version means high-level incompatibilty, so if you import QtQml
> 2.0 now don't expect it to just work with QtQml 3.0. Minor version
> means features, which actually means some low-level incompatibilty
> because it's a different language to C++. So QtQml 2.1 is mostly the
> same as QtQml 2.0, just some new features, but you still should check
> that the new features don't lead to resolution conflicts before you
> redeploy. So QML modules might have to jump the major/minor version
> separately to Qt, and vice-versa (no new QML symbols? Don't update
> your module version number just because it's Qt 5.1!). Imagine
Yes, I agree on the principle, but the implementation gets in the way on
many fronts.
As said, there is no semantics or relation in the version numbers. Thus
even if a new 2.1 *is* a known, verified, and perfectly compatible
superset of 2.0, the import will get rejected (as far as the import
mechanism is concerned, these versions could have been called "apple"
and "orange").
This, in fact, means: No backward *or* forward compatibility. While we
all live on the bleeding edge, this is cool. But, imagine you have Qt5
on X million devices, and Y thousand of apps that do import QtQml 2.0.
All is well. Somebody decides to change a property, bump to QtQml 2.1 or
3.0 and on the next firmware/Qt update you essentially preemptively
break *ALL* applications because *SOME* might be incompatible. The
scenario that an application is compatible with a Qt update is almost
impossible (even on Harmattan which stuck to QtQuick 1.1 from beginning
to end people still managed to occasionally burn themselves along the
way of PR1.1/1.2/1.3, N9/N950 differences, etc). Same is true for the
reverse - even if you *know* your QML works with previous version(s) of
QtQml, unless you package a separate QML for each version and do some
fallbacks, it won't work on it's own.
But there are other, smaller inconveniences, too - the "million
branches" scenario. How would Ubuntu, Debian or the others work? Now you
take package, run a build script and everything is dandy. Not so fast!
With this dependency system, you actually need to go through all the
sources and manually update everything so that you match the host system
- having some distro-specific flavor in a build directory is not enough
any more. There is no pkg-config, dynamic versioning even if you DID
verify it to work. Every version of your app is SUPER-TIGHTLY glued to
the versions provided by a particular Qt5 release. That was one of the
beauties of Qt - if it worked on 4.5, chances were it was either working
out of the box or needed just a recompile even if used with 4.8.4. With
the current versioning scheme, I'll need a separate branch for *EVERY*
single minor Qt5 release or enter QML file cloning hell. I expect git
skills improvement :)
I understand that this can be appealing because of "compatibility
guarantees", the flip side, right? Not so fast. Even simple things like
fixes can get tricky. Imagine there is a bug in 2.0. It gets fixed in
the next Qt release, but then there is no guarantee of how something
will work and you can't detect the difference from the QML side. There
will be builds with a version 2.0 that work and there will be builds
with version 2.0 that don't - so where IS that rock-solid guarantee we
are getting for the extra maintenance burden, then?
Best regards,
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