[Development] Enumerations in QML

Tony Van Eerd tvaneerd at rim.com
Thu Dec 13 23:09:57 CET 2012

> -----Original Message-----
> I don't think it adds the real value, which comes from just matching
> C++ expectations. Enums help out in C++ because they're A)
> high-performance B) high-readability and C) Object-Oriented. By
> putting enums in their own files as their own types we lose most of C
> (and some of A) because they're no longer attached to the object they
> are conceptually associated with. The C++ enum State { On, Off,
> Automatic } isn't very great or clear if it's in the global namespace,
> but could make sense if it's attached to a class (e.g.
> MotorControl::State). You also lose the compatibility of matching C++
> syntax: A C++ type has all its enums on the type name (e.g.
> Text.AlignVertical) wheras here each QML enum has its own type (e.g.
> Align.vertical) which is not the same syntax.

Don't forget that C++'s syntax for enums is (finally!) changing:

enum State { On, Off, Automatic };
State state = On;

enum class State { On, Off, Automatic };
State state = State::On;


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