[Development] Nominating Mitch Curtis for approver

Jedrzej Nowacki jedrzej.nowacki at digia.com
Fri Dec 21 12:34:53 CET 2012

On Friday 14. December 2012 12.05.43 Jedrzej Nowacki wrote:
> On Friday 14. December 2012 11.17.14 Jedrzej Nowacki wrote:
> > 14 days passed and there was no objections.
> > 
> > Congratulations Mitch!
> Oops it seems that It should be 15 working days. So not yet, I will have
> set an alarm clock again... Sorry for the noise.
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Let's try again. 15 working days passed and there was no objections. 
Congratulations Mitch!

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