[Development] Feature freeze and Alpha

Turunen Tuukka Tuukka.Turunen at digia.com
Tue Feb 7 07:53:12 CET 2012

On 7.2.2012 8.48, "simo.falt at nokia.com" <simo.falt at nokia.com> wrote:

>On 2/5/12 4:12 PM, "ext lars.knoll at nokia.com" <lars.knoll at nokia.com>
>>We also need to now create a team that focuses on creating packages out
>>our source code that we can then release. For the Alpha I propose that we
>>only do source packages (great if we get binaries though), we will
>>need to prepare for creating binary packages for our reference platforms
>>with the beta. I am looking for people who would like to participate in
>>this process, please speak up if you are interested.
>Feel free to count me in.
>To get the packaging stuff ongoing, would it make sense to set-up new
>project for release engineering stuff, e.g. "releng". Dedicated mailing
>list to coordinate that job might be useful too.

I think it would be very good to have a separate list.

There needs to be a channel via which the info is exchanged, and while
getting the release out is in everybody's interest, there likely comes so
much mails that it bloats the dev mailing list.



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