[Development] Schedule for Qt 4.8.1

Turunen Tuukka Tuukka.Turunen at digia.com
Mon Feb 13 13:28:06 CET 2012

Hi All,

We would like to release next version of Qt Commercial 4.8 around mid-March.

It would be really great if we can again sync the LGPL and Commercial releases both in timing and content to the extent possible.

If we agree that mid-March is a good target time for the next patch release, we should have as much as possible all the fixes in by end of February. Naturally a patch release will not have any new features, but there are some fixes that we are very much targeting to be in 4.8.1 such as ones needed for publishing apps in the Mac App Store.

Since 4.8 was moved to gerrit, we have been actively redoing our merge requests, and quite much has already been merged into the 4.8 branch.


Tuukka Turunen
Director, Qt Commercial R&D
Digia Plc
Piippukatu 11, 40100 Jyväskylä, Finland

Visit us at: www.digia.com<applewebdata://7FB7E1CD-55A7-4FAD-B1A5-7721230C2E29/www.digia.com> or qt.digia.com<http://qt.digia.com/>

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