[Development] new QtNetwork maintainer

lars.knoll at nokia.com lars.knoll at nokia.com
Mon Feb 13 14:17:28 CET 2012

Hi everybody,

as some of you might know, our current maintainer for QtNetwork, Peter
Hartmann, has left Nokia to start in a different job. Unfortunately that
new job doesn't leave him with enough time to continue as the maintainer
of QtNetwork, so he stepped down as the maintainer of QtNetwork.

Shane Kearns has however stepped up and is willing to take over the
position. I'm really happy that Shane is willing to take this job. He has
a lot of experience with QtNetwork, and has been heavily involved with Qt
development (actively working on the Symbian port) for quite a few years.

So I'd like to nominate Shane for the position as the new maintainer of
QtNetwork. According to the rules, he will need support from at least one
other Maintainer. 

I'd also like to thank Peter for all the work he did on the module during
his time at Nokia.


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