[Development] On qbs use inside Qt

Thiago Macieira thiago.macieira at intel.com
Thu Feb 16 13:35:40 CET 2012

On quinta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2012 12.47.02, Mathias Hasselmann wrote:
> > But if the qbs devs want to start adding files to the Qt installation like
> > the  current pkg-config, cmake and libtool files, they can. I would
> > personally request that they make a 1.0 release of their tool first.
> I have to disagree: A basic principle for developing software are
> use-cases. For applications you get them from UI spec. For good
> libraries you get them from non-trivial applications. For build systems
> you get them from existing, non-trivial software you try to build.
> For QBS it is natural to use something complex like QtCreator or Qt
> itself as test bed.
> Like you said above, QBS support would be optional. So you would see no
> harm from their iterations: Causal people would stick to qmake, and
> whatever.

I'm not sure I understand you, Mathias...

What I mean is that the people developing qbs are free to do so and even try 
to compile qtbase or Qt Creator with it. I'd love to see them get qtbase up 
and running, including solving the bootstrapping problem.

In addition, since the decision was made to allow .cmake files to be included 
as part of the Qt build and install them, we can't now say QBS files can't get 
the same right.

What I don't want, based on what Lars said, is to see files that attempt to 
build qtbase with QBS in the master branch. That is going to disrupt other 
work. Use branches for that feature development.

I can't make the decision for Qt Creator though, but I'd expect them to do the 
same (which means rejecting change 16019).

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
     Intel Sweden AB - Registration Number: 556189-6027
     Knarrarnäsgatan 15, 164 40 Kista, Stockholm, Sweden
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