[Development] videoPlayer crashed

Andre Somers andre at familiesomers.nl
Sat Feb 18 11:37:44 CET 2012

Hi Brian,

1) It is rude to hijack somebody elses thread. The thread you are
replying in is about a request for a UI Helpers repository, not about
2) You're in the wrong mailing list. This list deals with developing Qt
*itself*, not with developing *with* Qt. You are looking for the
interest at qt-project.org mailing list or the Qt Developer Network (Qt
DevNet) at http://developer.qt.nokia.com (for now).


Op 18-2-2012 6:30, Brian Li schreef:
> Dear all:
> I'm learning to use the Phonon in QT, followed up some examples in the help
> document to setup one VideoPlayer, but when running this programe, it always
> crashed, the example is so simple I don't known where is wrong.

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