[Development] QTBUG-23737: Move QtQuick 1 to its own module

matthew.vogt at nokia.com matthew.vogt at nokia.com
Tue Feb 28 01:51:50 CET 2012

Lars wrote:
> This is mostly done. What remains is the renaming of the classes from
> QDeclarative to QQuick/QQml. This is ok for me to go into api_changes (you
> might need to create that branch in qtdeclarative) with the compat hacks we
> have (in moc and qtdeclarative).
> Please add Jira tasks for the compat hacks so we can remove them once all of
> Qt is using the new naming.

These changes have been merged to the api_changes branches of qtbase and qtdeclarative, and Jira tasks for the removal of compatibility hacks have been created.

What is the process/timeframe for merging api_changes to master in qtbase?


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