[Development] Multicolored text in a QTableView cell?

Carl Schumann schumann at fnal.gov
Wed Jun 13 17:27:20 CEST 2012

Qt community,

I would like to have multicolored text in a single QTableView cell.   
Since labels can support multicolored text with a rich text string I 
tried the following:
> QVariant MccModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
> {
>     if( role == Qt::DisplayRole ){
>         return( "<font color=\"red\">red</font> and <font 
> color=\"blue\">blue</font>" );
>     }
>     return QVariant();
> }
Where MccModel subclassed from QAbstractTableModel.    This did not 
work, specifically it displayed the whole long rich text string in 
black.   How should I be doing multicolored table cells please?

Carl Schumann

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