[Development] More CI people?

Girish Ramakrishnan girish at forwardbias.in
Wed Jun 13 20:50:36 CEST 2012

Hi QA team,
I think today is the second day, CI is getting stuck. I wish I could
just restart the integration. Usually, it's easy to let Rohan know if
we are somewhere in his timezone. But if we are not in his timezone,
it's quite frustrating.

There's also the case where it's a huge time save to abort a current
integration, if it's known in advance that it's going to fail.

With that in mind, would it be possible for someone to have extra QA
backups in mostly all timezones. Maybe there's already someone but I
don't know who they are. I know only rohan since he is active on irc.

And yes, I volunteer if required.


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