[Development] Container refactor update

Thiago Macieira thiago.macieira at intel.com
Tue Jun 19 08:44:40 CEST 2012

On terça-feira, 19 de junho de 2012 00.32.37, Peter Kümmel wrote:
> Do you know "folly"
>      https://github.com/facebook/folly
> and had a look at folly's code?
>      https://github.com/facebook/folly/blob/master/folly/FBVector.h
> Performance wise it could be interesting, because at some places
> it uses lock-free code.

Yes, I know about it. No, I did not look at it. I cannot do that because I 
need to write code of my own. I cannot look at other people's code and submit 
to the Qt Project under the CLA, unless it's in the public domain.

What's more, lock-free is a technique for making thread-safe containers. Qt 
containers are not meant to be that. And when you say "at some places it uses 
lock-free", it implies that in other places it doesn't, which means those 
places use locks and that's not acceptable.

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
     Intel Sweden AB - Registration Number: 556189-6027
     Knarrarnäsgatan 15, 164 40 Kista, Stockholm, Sweden
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