[Development] Can we bring back QT += declarative?

Lincoln Ramsay lincoln.ramsay at nokia.com
Fri Jun 29 01:40:55 CEST 2012

On 06/29/2012 04:35 AM, ext Thiago Macieira wrote:
> I'm trying to port a project to Qt 5 and the first thing I noticed when I ran
> qmake is:
> Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: declarative

If you want QtQtuick1 that's now QT += quick1. This could probably use 
declarative now but previously that was used by QtQuick2.

In QtQuick2 there are 2 modules.

QT += qml gives you the engine (without a GUI dependency).
QT += quick gives you the GUI-related classes.

Note that QDeclarativeXXX does not work with QtQuick 2 even after you 
update the QT variable so just allowing QT += declarative to enable 
QtQuick2 won't gain you anything.

Lincoln Ramsay - Senior Software Engineer
Qt Development Frameworks, Nokia - http://qt.nokia.com/

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