[Development] final value classes: some background information and plans
lars.knoll at nokia.com
lars.knoll at nokia.com
Wed Mar 7 14:35:20 CET 2012
On 3/7/12 2:25 PM, "ext Marc Mutz" <marc.mutz at kdab.com> wrote:
>On Wednesday March 7 2012, Jedrzej Nowacki wrote:
>> What are you trying to solve?
>I'm trying to prevent that people with a Java mind from running into the
>trap that inheriting from a base class with a public non-virtual
>may invoke undefined behaviour. Looking at the number of "add virtual
>destructor" commits, and dividing that by the number of new polymorphic
>classes added, even we ourselves aren't doing too well.
>Andre said "Qt is meant to be useful". That's true, but it's also meant
>to be
>safer than raw C++. But if Qt class design doesn't even follow the basic
>guidelines of C++ class design (as laid out in e.g. Sutter/Alexandrescu),
>then how can it hope to be safer?
>You shouldn't look at the Qt-project developers when discussing
>You should look a the Qt programmers in the trenches that happily write
>QColor * c = new QColor(...), as blissfully ignorant of the resource leak
>they are of Sutter/Alexandrescu. So, Qt can either default to safety or
>can default to the sharp edge. If you think the latter is acceptable, I
>you to run a Qt Open Enrollment training as an eye-opener. Hell, I
>QPtrList publicly when I started out, and I would have been glad if the
>compiler told me I shouldn't do that.
>> Using raw pointers may be unsafe but it
>> doesn't mean that the functionality should be removed from C++. I agree
>> with Andre blocking inheritance is really radical move, that doesn't
>>buy us
>> much apart of SC problems.
>This is not meant to silence compiler warnings. This is meant to make Qt
>to use. It only triggers on code that deserves to be broken. As is adding
>explicit to ctors, as is disabling implicit conversion from QByteArray to
>const char*.
>Unlike the Qt3->4 SiC changes, this doesn't aim to break some of the most
>fundamental idioms in Qt (e.g. "you pass object names to the
>so comparing this change to the Qt4 SiCs, as someone on #qt-labs did, is
>gross exaggeration, IMO.
>That said, I agree that breaking lots of code is undesirable. That's why
>the containers I proposed to make a safe-as-baseclass version available
>(QBasicContainer), so existing designs can be ported with minimal effort,
>they need to be ported at all (they could just define Q_DECL_FINAL_CLASS
>away). But I don't see the need to do this for all value classes.
You do realize that we're 6 weeks past our feature freeze?
>Marc Mutz <marc.mutz at kdab.com> | Senior Software Engineer
>KDAB (Deutschland) GmbH & Co.KG, a KDAB Group Company
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