[Development] Quick in Qt 5 is sluggish and other observations

Alan Alpert alan.alpert at nokia.com
Mon Mar 12 04:57:30 CET 2012

I'll just respond to the QtQuick issues.

On Mon, 12 Mar 2012 01:57:12 ext Ariel Molina R. wrote:
> Second observation:
> After installing i tried the QML examples/particles from the git clone
> dir (as they were not installed either) using the example launcher.

QML examples do not need to be built, but you didn't install anyways. To 
install, you use 'make install' after make. This doesn't work for all QML 
examples right now, but the issue is being actively worked on.

> Observartions:
> 1. Low framerate, after a while i disabled KDE compositing and got
> smooth framerate.
> 2. Low framerate when hovering the mouse over the qmlscene window
> 3. Low framerate when pressing keys, any key. Just let any key pressed
> and framerate drops to a unusable rate.

1. The Particles examples are particularly taxing graphically. Low framerate 
is common, because they were calibrated for visual impact instead of tailored 
to a specific (or even minimal) hardware configuration (I can assure you it 
looks great on my computer ;) ). For checking a more realistic qtquick 
performance case, try the non-particles examples (like the examples in the 
examples/quick folder, which demonstrate QtQuick 2.0 elements).

2-3. This is probably not expected behavior, but it's hard to tell given your 
inadequate description.

For a useful bug report, I would recommend doing the following two things in 
the future:

A) File it on bugreports.qt-project.org , the Qt Project bug tracker, instead 
of a mailing list.

B) Clearly explain both the error and where the error occurs. "Low framerate" 
is hard to describe more accurately, and you specified what actions you took. 
However you did not clearly specify which example this was in. When observing 
the issue in an examples launcher, you need to specify which example was being 
shown by the launcher, or if the aberrant behavior was in the menu or wherever 
it was. Otherwise, it is impossible to be sure if the error has been 
reproduced, especially if it requires specific hardware to be made clearly 

Alan Alpert
Senior Engineer
Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks

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