[Development] Windows: Qt5 does not run the application in release mode.

Denis Shienkov scapig2 at yandex.ru
Tue Mar 13 20:16:05 CET 2012

Hi all.

I can not run GUI application built in "Release" mode.

In the console displays the error:
  "No platform plugin argument was specified and the default plugin 
"windows" is not available"

What could it be?

Qt5 (qtbase)  built in Win7 x32 with Windows SDK 7.1:

set QTDIR=c:\Qt\qt5-build\qtbase
set PATH=%QTDIR%\bin;%PATH%

c:\Qt\qt5-src\configure ^
-developer-build ^
-opensource ^
-nomake examples ^
-nomake demos

nmake module-qtbase

Best regards,
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