[Development] [Releasing] Qt 4.8.1 release during week 11/2012
Turunen Tuukka
Tuukka.Turunen at digia.com
Fri Mar 16 19:16:38 CET 2012
Excellent, thank you very much for the trust.
We naturally want to have all release content from the Qt Project. If some patch is needed, it is done via gerrit. This is the case with 4.8.1 already, and will be also in the future.
For practicalities, is it possible to have some members of the release team with right to tag etc?
lars.knoll at nokia.com kirjoitti 16.3.2012 13:39:
Hi Tukka,
let's make this simple. You and Digia stepped up to make 4.8 patch level
releases. So far nobody else has, so the 'release manager' job simply
falls into your hands.
Adding some patches to the release and deciding what exactly goes out
should be at the discretion of the one doing the releases, ideally in
coordination with a team that has the same interest.
Having said that, all patches in a qt-project release should also be
inside the git repo on qt-project.org. I am ok for another exception for
4.8.1 (if required), but would really like to see that we have it all
upstream afterwards.
The release can however be a branch from 4.8, and contain additional
patches. But these should live inside a release branch on gerrit.
On 3/15/12 8:50 AM, "ext Turunen Tuukka" <Tuukka.Turunen at digia.com<mailto:Tuukka.Turunen at digia.com>> wrote:
>On 5.3.2012 18.21, "Oswald Buddenhagen" <Tuukka.Turunen at digia.com<mailto:Tuukka.Turunen at digia.com>>
>>On Mon, Mar 05, 2012 at 03:24:04PM +0000, ext Salovaara Akseli wrote:
>>> At the moment we are following content of
>>> http://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qt/commits/4.8 branch on our internal
>>> repository. We would like to provide Qt 4.8.1 branch on
>>> Gitorious\Gerrit in order to enable you more visibility for the
>>> progress & content. Could Gitorious\Gerrit administrators enable such
>>> branch and later tag final 4.8.1 release?
>>i understand that this is the commercial qt release with additional
>>patches not sanctioned by the qt project (yet). i can only repeat my
>>offer from the last time: we create a 4.8.1-digia branch you can push
>>your stuff into and put a v4.8.1-digia tag on.
>No, this is intended to be the open-source 4.8.1 release by the Qt
>For us it is fine if someone else does the releases, but since about
>no-one seems to care making patch release out of 4.8 we have stepped up
>and offered to create the releases.
>For Qt Commercial viewpoint it is easier for us to base our releases on
>patch releases from Qt Project. It gets hard eventually if we would
>continue releasing commercial only patch releases on top of 4.8.0. And I
>am sure there are also open-source users who wish to get patch releases
>for 4.8.
>Yes, there is already some amount of patches out after the proposed 4.8.1.
>>From our viewpoint they should go into 4.8.2.
>If needed, of course we can rebase 4.8.1 and redo the testing, but it is
>already a release with a large number of fixes.
>It is the decision of the Qt Project what we want to do about releases. I
>would like to have 4.8.1 released, and Digia is ready to help also with
>the subsequent releases. If others are also interested in making the
>releases, great.
>>you still have all rights necessary to push refs/heads/4.7-digia and
>>refs/tags/v4.7.5-digia if you finally decide to actually do so. i
>>suggest you do that and then we see about 4.8. i'm on irc if you have
>>questions about the execution.
>Regarding 4.7.5 we have created the open-source installers ages ago, but
>since there is no place for Qt Project to distribute the releases at the
>moment, they are not out. We wanted that the installers and code for 4.7.5
>are released at the same time, but since there did not seem to be interest
>in the community to do that, we have not been pushing.
>Source code of 4.7.5 open-source is available at
>http://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qt/commits/4.8 - and we do have the
>open-source installers ready if those are needed. There just needs to be a
>location where these can be placed.
>I can understand the lack of interest for 4.7.5, but 4.8.1 is a different
>case. It gets really ugly if Qt Project does not make any patch releases
>out of 4.8.
> Tuukka
>Development mailing list
>Tuukka.Turunen at digia.com<mailto:Tuukka.Turunen at digia.com>
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