[Development] app_bundle on MacOs X

Renaud renaud.guezennec at gmail.com
Sun Mar 18 14:17:12 CET 2012

Hi all,

I'm facing a really annoying issue with MacOs X and my Qt application.
I was on MacOs 10.5 and every things were fine. I was able to create bundle
for my application.
I update my system to MacOs 10.6, and install the QtSDK, but now when I
create app_bundle, it is not working.
QtCreator send me an error message about wrong path or wrong permission.
If I double-click on it, I'm getting message dialog which says "application
could not be started because it may be uncompleted or damaged"

I also tried to compile the Qt source 4.8.0 and use it for my compilation
but I got the same errors.
I don't know what to do to make it working, I would like release my
application soon but it's a blocking issue.
So, if you have any idea, please, let me know!

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