[Development] Proposal: Changing the default output of qDebug and friends

Lincoln Ramsay lincoln.ramsay at nokia.com
Thu Mar 29 01:41:40 CEST 2012

On 03/29/2012 12:39 AM, ext kai.koehne at nokia.com wrote:
> PS: From an IDE perspective including the file + line would help so
> that you could just 'jump' to the source of a warning by clicking on
> it. However, the file string can get quite long (think about shadow
> builds) ...

Why can't Creator just set the QT_MESSAGE_PATTERN environment variable 
then and leave the default alone? Creator would not need to show the 
filename and line number, just use them for when you click on the warnings.

Lincoln Ramsay - Senior Software Engineer
Qt Development Frameworks, Nokia - http://qt.nokia.com/

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