[Development] Nominating Giuseppe D'Angelo (peppe) for approver status

Robin Burchell robin+qt at viroteck.net
Fri Mar 30 14:30:13 CEST 2012

Hi all,

I'd like to nominate peppe for approver status.

For those of you who haven't run across his work already, peppe has
been doing a myriad of things in qtbase, some of the biggest examples
being the new QRegularExpression class in Qt 5 (wrapping PCRE), along
with the requirements work and benchmarking to prove that PCRE was a
sound choice. He's also been doing some interesting experimentation
with making QHash safer against collision attacks lately (QTBUG-23529
if you're curious!)

He's also done an (IMHO great) job of being a sounding-board for ideas
and code snippets, and also very active on reviews and responding to
review feedback.

If you'd like to see his dashboard, take a look at:

Anyone like to second?



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