[Development] about directfbegl platform

Thomas Senyk thomas.senyk at pelagicore.com
Wed Nov 7 11:40:36 CET 2012

On Mon, November 05, 2012 12:10:05 PM thouraya andolsi wrote:
> Hi,
> I compiled Qt-5.0.0-beta1 release for armv7/directfb  platform.
> After compiling and installing sucessfully, I tried to run MiniBrowser, but
> I has got the following error:
> ./MiniBrowser -platform directfbegl http://www.google.com
> Failed to load platform plugin "xcb". Available platforms are:
> directfbegl
> directfb
> linuxfb
> minimal
> Why it is trying to load the "xcb plugin for directfbegl platform ?

That's weird ;)
Have you either used '-qpa xcb' during configure or have you set
QT_QPA_DEFAULT_PLATFORM during configure/compile-time?
(If you're using a foreign mkspec, please check it carefully!)

That's the only reason I can see why he would try to load a non-existing 
plugin... but maybe someone from the QPA team can comment

> Regards.

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