[Development] Another method of registering QML types

Richard Moore rich at kde.org
Thu Nov 8 23:15:52 CET 2012

On 8 November 2012 21:17, Alan Alpert <416365416c at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 12:49 PM, BRM <bm_witness at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> From: Alan Alpert <416365416c at gmail.com>
> If you have a http://remote/Image.qml with code like Image { source:
> "graphic.png" } the png will be fetched transparently.
>> [1] Yes, I realize that it would enable some on-the-fly stuff that might generate some security concerns. I would suggest that be documented so that users know they have to load appropriately trusted materials if we did that. They could just as easily write it to a temp file and load the temp file using the regular API too.
> That is the current alternative. You can do the exact same thing by
> writing out a temporary qmldir file to disk - it's just that I think
> that approach is horrible and unnecessary. (This is actually more of a
> security risk, because you could be overwriting the qmldir files for
> other imports, like "." ).

Loading code on the fly from a remote location like this without
enforcing HTTPS etc. is just plain crazy. I'd strongly suggest that it
be disabled by default if that's actually possible now.


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