[Development] Code coverage statistics online

Sébastien Fricker fricker at froglogic.com
Wed Oct 10 08:04:26 CEST 2012

this is corrected now: http://download.froglogic.com/public/qt5-squishcoco-report/QtBase/source_543.html#line467
Am 08.10.2012 um 12:26 schrieb Sébastien Fricker <fricker at froglogic.com>:

> Thanks Bill,
> this is effectively not correct, the lines should be marks as executed.
> Let me have a deeper look on it.
> On 08.10.2012 12:19, bill.king at nokia.com wrote:
>> Off-the-mailing-list…
>> “QString QSqlDriver::sqlStatement(StatementType type, const QString &tableName,” function,
>> I think the marking is wrong.
>> It says: “never executed (the execution status of this line is deducted):  s.reserve(128);” for example, but it shows that by logic, that should be executed, as the first case of the switch statement below is…
>> evaluated: i < rec.count()
>> yes
>> Evaluation Count:128
>> yes
>> Evaluation Count:64
>> Now, this may just be optimisation performed by the compiler, but it could also be erroneous. If it’s the first, I’d probably turn off for testing (there’s debug dumping functions that aren’t showing as being hit either).
>> I really do think it’s the first, but I’d like it to be checked out in case it’s actually a bug or corner case.
>> Thanks,
>> Bill.
>> --
>>     Bill King
>>     Test Engineer
>>     Nokia, Guidance Team
>> From: development-bounces+bill.king=nokia.com at qt-project.org [mailto:development-bounces+bill.king=nokia.com at qt-project.org] On Behalf Of ext Sébastien Fricker
>> Sent: Sunday, 7 October 2012 9:08 AM
>> To: development at qt-project.org
>> Subject: Re: [Development] Code coverage statistics online
>> One possible request: entry marking in the source reports, ie:
>> QString QMimeType::filterString() const
>> From: http://download.froglogic.com/public/qt5-squishcoco-report/libQtWidgets/source_147.html
>> Was the test entered but the if lines not tested?
>> Another example: void QMimeTypePrivate::clear()
>> It would be more understandable if the entry point was highlighted, instead of the exit point of the block.
>> MfG,
>> Bill.
>> This is now available.

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